Egyptians have always been close to the natural world. The ancient Egyptians left paintings and carvings (which can still be seen today!) of large animals like elephants, hippos, leopards and cheetahs. These animals were once common in Egypt, but they are now rare or extinct because of huntin...
Ancient Egyptians had a great grasp of math and geometry. They used the geometry to accurately build pyramids, temples and other buildings. They used math in everyday business transactions. They invented door locks that used keys. The first keys used were up to two feet in length. Because th...
After all these years we are still unearthing hidden secrets about this culture today. Here we make Ancient Egypt a little less mysterious with these top ten interesting facts about Ancient Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians were cat crazy. Yes they were! In Ancient Egypt animals were very important ...
They detected the voids by analyzing muons Anew missionusing more powerful muon detectors has been approved, and it may reveal more about what the void contains. The construction of Khufu's pyramid complex was a massive undertaking. Archaeologist Mark Lehner, who excavates at Giza, estimates that ...
The Egyptians adorned the insides of their temples, monuments and tombs with hieroglyphic writing and wrote it onpapyrus, an ancient paper made from reeds. Egyptian Pyramids Below are eight key facts about hieroglyphic writing. 1. Hieroglyphics uses pictures, but it isn’t picture writing. ...
Ever since my childhood I have been fascinated with all things relating to Ancient Egypt. I have tried for a long time to come up with a good idea for a
Walk Like an EgyptianLists about the fascinating culture and practices of the civilization that occupied Northeastern Africa from 3000 to 300 BC. The Egyptian Queen Nefertiti How They Built the Pyramids Neat Facts About Ancient Egyptian Royalty Medical Surgeries in Ancient Egypt Ancient Egyptians ...
These had paintings of his enemies on the soles – so everywhere the king went, he trampled all over his foes!Tutankhamun’s golden burial mask Want to know more about the Ancient Egyptians and their pharaohs? Then check out this cool clip!
In Ancient Egyptian mythology, Ra was indeed the first God. He was also among the most revered of the Gods in the eyes of the ancient Egyptians due to his power and strength. Further reading
The ancient world was a fascinating place full of history and incredible stories. From the great pyramids of Egypt to the mysterious lost city of Atlantis, the ancient world has more »