The Feast of Sokar honored Sokar, the falcon deity. This planting festival took place before the ancient Egyptians sowed their crops. To begin the festival, the pharaoh performed a ritual-like hoeing and a processional was held with Sokar’s statue on the Henu barque. The Feast of Min starte...
This review is a late, but I had to provide some feedback. My brother and I went on vacatiRead More Timmy Lovett Frequently Asked Questions What purpose did temples serve in Egypt? Are the two main types of Egyptian temples? What is the greatest and oldest Egyptian temple?
Ancient Egypt was a civilization in northeastern Africa that dates from the 4th millennium BCE. Its many achievements, preserved in its art and monuments, hold a fascination that continues to grow as archaeological finds expose its secrets.
ancient Egypt: Egypt’s role in the Byzantine Empire Greece: Greece during the Byzantine period (c. 300 ce–c. 1453) coin: Coinage in western continental Europe, Africa, and the Byzantine Empire dress: The Byzantine Empire North Africa: The Byzantine period ...
Did you know, that the name in ancient Chinese actually meant 'The 10,000-Mile Long Wall' or 'Incredibly Long Wall'?Terracotta warriorsTerracotta Warriors: See the over 5000 sculptures of life-size soldiers, made from terracotta, in Xian. The sculptures which are on one of the world's ...
Ever since my childhood I have been fascinated with all things relating to Ancient Egypt. I have tried for a long time to come up with a good idea for a
Ancient Egyptian god Amun was one of the eight primordial Egyptian deities. Click for Amun Worksheets in PDF and Google Slides format!
The script found on the insides of ancient Egyptian temples, monuments and tombs represents a complex remnant of history.
Today, the Nile River continues to flow, carrying the legacy of its ancient past. It remains a lifeline for the countries it traverses, supporting millions of people with its water resources and providing fertile soil for agriculture. The influence of the Nile on ancient Egypt is a testament...