Lapland with Kiruna and Abisco National Park: The Northern Lights can be experienced in Swedish Lapland. In and around Kiruna is a good place to watch the dancing green, pink and purple stripes of light in the night sky between 9 pm and 2 am. Did you know that the indigenous people of ...
Between 300,000 and 400,000 moose (Alces alces) roam the Swedish woods. Over 100,000 are shot during the annual hunt, and about 250,000 people participate in the hunt. The moose is also considered the most dangerous animal in Sweden. Every year, they cause approximately 6,000 road accide...
See the fact file below for more information about Food Pyramid, or download the comprehensive worksheet pack, which contains over 11 worksheets and can be used in the classroom or homeschooling environment. Key Facts & Information Swedish origin In response to rising food prices, Sweden’s Nati...
Comprehensive and meticulously documented facts about human population. Learn about population trends, drivers, environmental effects, projections, and more. For example: • Food Supplies • Demographic Transition • Trends • Growth Drivers • Foliage • Malthusian TheoryDensity...
9.Bitter Scandinavian winters and frozen fjords didn’t stop the Vikings from tucking into their favourite food – fish! During warmer months they would hang up and dry fish to eat later. 10.Ever wondered where the word ‘berserk’ comes from? ‘Berserkers’ was the name of some terrifying...
Junk food is a miracle of edible engineering. Food scientists have figured out how to trick our brains into eating all that salt, sugar and fat without thinking about the calories. How do they do it? While you're learning, I'll get some Ding Dongs. By Dave Roos Why do sweet and salt...
The unemployment rate is low. About 5% of the Danish people are registered as unemployed. Most people work in the services sector. Denmark Facts | Danish Food The Danish main dishes contain: potatoes, fish, seafood, meat, vegetables or salad and some fruit. ...
Swedish :Bittergurka Tobago :Caraili West Indies :Balsam Pear, Carilla, Kuguazi Laos :Bai Mak Phak Sai, Bai Maha, Haix Malaysia :Peria, Peria Laut, Periok Mauritius Islands :Margose Haiti :Asosi ( Creole ) Puerto Rico :Cun De Amor, Machete ...
Languages: Finnish (88%) and Swedish Religion: mainly Christians (more than 71% are Evangelical Lutheran) Life expectancy: 78 years (men) and 84 years (women) Currency: 1 Euro (€) = 100 cents National Symbols: Swan (national bird), brown bear (national animal), lily-of-the-valley (na...
Swedish:Vårvete, Vanligt Vete, Vete; Thai:Sa-Le, Khao-Sa-Le; Turkish:Bughdaj, Yumuşak Buğday; Vietnamese:Cây Lúa Mỳ; Welsh:Gwenith; Russian:på¡enica chlebnaja (пшеницацхлебная), på¡enica mjagkaja (пшеницамягкая), på¡en...