The Holocaust was the Nazi state-sponsored mass murder of millions of Jewish people during World War II. Some six million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust– ultimately two out of three European Jews were killed. In addition to the six million Jews murdered, the Nazis also killed millions...
Hitler had a plan to collect Jewish artifacts and build a “museum of the extinct race” once the war was over. Reverse Holocaust There was a group of Jews who, after the war, took it upon themselves to execute former Nazi’s. One of their plans was a “reverse holocaust” that involv...
The Holocaust was the systematic state-sponsored killing of six million Jewish men, women, and children and millions of others by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II. Today the Holocaust is viewed as the emblematic manifestation of abs
such by Jews and non-Jews alike, even though such persons may not observe religious practices. While all Jews agree that a child born of a Jewish mother is Jewish,Reform Judaismgoes beyondOrthodoxandConservative Judaismin affirming that a child is Jewish if either one of the parents is a ...
Historical Anti‑Semitism Anti‑Semitism in Europe did not begin with Adolf Hitler. Though use of the term itself dates only to the 1870s, there is evidence of hostility toward Jews long before the Holocaust—even as far back as the ancient world, when Roman authorities destroyed the Jewish...
It’s terrifying to think that there are still people out there in the world who refuse to believe that the Holocaust was real. In the face of so much
Carp, MatatiasOn, DocumentsAnnihilation, TheCarp, M. ( 2000 ). Holocaust in Romania: Facts and documents on the annihilation of Romania's Jews 1940–1944 (A. Simon, Ed.). Safety Harbor, FL: Simon Publications.
29.There is a 2400 year old giant “honey mushroom” in Oregon, covering 2200 acres, slowly killing off the trees in the forest. It is the largest living organism on the planet. –Source 30.A Muslim family that saved Jews during the Holocaust was saved by Jews during the genocide in Bo...
Of the nine million Jews who lived in Europe before the Holocaust, an estimated 2/3 were murdered. Millions of others, including those who were disabled, political and religious opponents to Hitler, Romanies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and homosexuals, were also murdered.[10] ...
—a devastating Holocaust fact—but no single document exists recording the total number. Six million of these were Jews—approximately two-thirds of all Jews living in Europe.2An estimated 1.5 million Jewish children and thousands of Romani, German, and Polish children died in the Holocaust.3...