Number of Jews killed in the Holocaust Country with the largest pre-war Jewish population Get more insights Report on the topic Top Seller Explore this report Related topics History of the Jewish people WWII: Manpower and Resources WWII: the Pacific Theater The Manhattan Project Tr...
Definitions of Holocaust and Shoah The word Holocaust is derived from the Greek word “holokauston,” which is a translation of the Hebrew word ʿolah, which means “a burnt sacrifice offered whole to God.” The word Shoah (שואה) comes from the Bible and it means “calamity”...
The Holocaust: Facts and Figures See all related content genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of theirethnicity,nationality, religion, orrace. The term, derived from the Greekgenos(“race,”“tribe,” or “nation”) and the Latincide(“killing”), ...
The Holocaust was the systematic state-sponsored killing of six million Jewish men, women, and children and millions of others by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II. Today the Holocaust is viewed as the emblematic manifestation of abs
The Holocaust was one of the worst war crimes ever committed. Learn more about Anne Frank, Kristallnacht, Nazi concentration camps and other Holocaust facts.
Many people learn about the Holocaust during high school history class, and it was a dark period in human history. However, there are many things about the
This is an amazing time of cultural creativity. I mean, look at this campus. You have people from every state, from 80 foreign nations, from every race, every faith, every political persuasion, every walk of life, yet we live in a popular culture in America that often richly ...
Ponders on the meaning of the Jewish Holocaust during World War II. Germans' blaming of atrocities on the few extreme anti-Semites condemned at the Nuremberg trials; Victims' consideration of their jailers as murderers; Younger generation of Germans' search for reasons behind the silence of ...
A Nazi Mastermind Was Captured Near His House In Buenos Aires By The Israeli Government Adolf Eichmann was one of the men directly responsible for the demise of 6 million people during the Holocaust, something of which he was immensely proud. He worked out the logistics of the genocide f...
Holocaust: From the Greek wordholokauston, meaning sacrifice by fire. It refers to the Nazi persecution and planned slaughter of the Jewish people and others considered inferior to "true" Germans. Shoah: A Hebrew word meaning devastation, ruin, or waste, also used to refer to the Holocaust....