Cargo ship speedMarine vessel speed predictionMarine weather effectsPredicting arrival timesDue to the high density of ocean traffic and the influence of marine weather on the route planning of vessels, as well as berth allocation in harbors, it is important to be able to predict arrival tim...
is low. As more water becomes locked up as ice, the surface level of oceans drops, which can alter oceanic circulation patterns. In addition, movement of continental land masses through the processes of plate tectonics can shift the flow of water, altering ocean currents and circulation patterns...
Ocean currents distribute the heat energy from the warmer regions of the earth to the cooler regions. This phenomenon also adds moisture to the air, ultimately affecting the wind patterns. El Niño, a warm ocean current near the equator, is an important climatic factor that can disrupt ...
This paper is a synthesis and review of the results of US research in the 1990s on the physical and biological factors affecting ocean production of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). The review follows the outline of US research under the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Science Plan, ...
The leading factor affecting the CE is the coefficient of the vertical heat exchange in the ocean (parameter). The sole change inleads to a CE of CDR with an average of 3.5 K and a standard deviation of 0.7 K, which is almost identical to the reconstructed results (Fig.3a). This...
Even if some hermit crab species together with their associates are well known and often host higher biodiversity compared to other surrounding hard substrates (Balazy & Kuklinski,2013), factors affecting the composition and diversity of these assemblages remain poorly understood (Williams & McDermot,...
Factors affecting mortality of shearwaters stranded by light pollution. Anim. Conserv. 15, 519-526, 00544.x.Rodriguez, A. et al. Factors affecting mortality of shearwaters stranded by light pollution. Anim. Conserv. 15, 519-526 (2012)....
What are factors affecting the balance of the ozone layer? What causes surface tension? List the two factors that contribute to cyclopropane's large ring strain. What causes current to flow in an electrolytic cell and why? What is the definition of surface tension? What cause...
Fixed steel jacket platforms will be used to develop the Venture gas field and semi-submersibles may be used in the development of the Hibernia oil field. These platforms are fabricated from large tubular steel sections and a major concern is the fatigue
During the last half of the 20th century, cumulative annual discharge from 137 representative rivers (watershed areas ranging from 0.3 to 6300 × 10~3 km~2) to the global ocean remained constant, although annual discharge from about one-third of these rivers changed by more than 30%. Discharg...