Ocean currents are an important factor in determining climate. Ocean currents distribute the heat energy from the warmer regions of the earth to the cooler regions. This phenomenon also adds moisture to the air, ultimately affecting the wind patterns. El Niño, a warm ocean current near the eq...
OceanCurrents–seawaterflowingfromoneplacetoanother.(depthof100m) Impactonclimate–equatorialheatisredistributedtowardsthepoles.Coldoceancurrentsreducecoastaltemperaturesandviceversa. Seawaterisheatedandmovesbecauseofoceancurrents,theCorioliseffect,thesizeandshapeofthebodyofwater,andtheheatandsalinityoftheseawater. ...
and creates valleys. These valleys may eventually become lakes, seas, and oceans. On the surface, the greatest factor affecting Earth is sunlight. Sun provides energy for living organisms, and it drives our planet's weather and climate by creating temperature gradients in the atmosphere and ...
Latitude The distance from the equator is a key factor that determines whether a region has a hot climate or a cold one Latitude affects how much sun there is in a certain spot which determines temperature In Canada, the prevailing winds blow from west to east Wind systems In Canada, the ...
It produces a stable climate under current conditions that is comparable to observations (Washington et al. 2000; Dai et al. 2001b) and has nearobserved El Niño amplitude (=-=Meehl et al. 2001-=-). In particular, the PCM’s ocean GCM, which is the Los Alamos National Laboratory ...
THE OCEAN AND CLIMATE CHANGE(海洋和气候变化) 热度: ClimateChangeandForestSinks: FactorsAffectingtheCostsofCarbon Sequestration RichardG.Newell RobertN.Stavins DiscussionPaper99-31-REV December1999(OriginalPaperIssuedApril1999) RESOURCES forthefuture ...
These results are consistent with the idea that climate change is affecting the distributions of many fish species along the Texas coast. Increasing diversity is likely a result of northward invasions of tropical species. A previous study in the northeast United States suggested that the composition ...
Neu, H.J.A., Eleven Year Deep-water Wave Climate of Canadian Atlantic Waters, Canadian Technical Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences No. 13, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, October 1982. Google Scholar Commission of the European Communities, Proc. of International Conference on Steels ...
The Yangtze River Basin has always been one of China's most densely populated regions and one of the most active in agricultural activities. Although previous studies have examined extreme climate events in the Yangtze River Basin, the main factors influencing the long-term changes in the region’...
In particular, the optimal time lag of the influence of climatic elements on NDVI was then analyzed by calculating the correlation coefficients between NDVI of the current month and different climatic factors for the previous four months separately. Then, the direct links between NDVI and climate ...