Water temperature is one of the most important physical factors affecting fish growth and production. Fish are cold-blooded animals which assume approximately the same temperature as their surroundings. Typically, fish are classified broadly as cold, cool, or warm water, depending on their tolerance ...
Cobb-Douglas production function has been used to measure the effect of various factors on alternate rice-fish production. The chosen factors were of fingerlings cost, cost of cow dung, cost of rice bran, cost of oil cake, cost of lime, cost of urea cost of human labour and cost of ...
We examined factors affecting fish entrainment at California's State Water Project and Central Valley Project, two of the largest water diversions in the world. Combined, these diversions from the upper San Francisco Estuary support a large component of the municipal and agricultural infrastructure for...
Minns, C.K. 1989. Factors affecting fish species richness in Ontario lakes. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 118: 533-545. doi: 10.1577/1548-8659(1989)118<0533:FAFSRI>2.3.CO;2.Factors affecting fish species richness in Ontario lakes - Minns - 1989...
This paper identifies six institutional factors that will affect negotiations pertaining to fish passage during the renegotiation of the treaty: geographical advantage, issue linkage, a basin commission, the duration of agreements, negotiating autonomy and side payments. These factors and the methods used...
This research aims to determine the socio-economic factors that are effective on fish consumption. Through clarifying these factors, the study attempts to bring proposals towards increasing fish consumption which is vital for adequate nourishment. To this end, different factors which are believed to a...
Fish ball is an extruded surimi-based product that is popular among Asian communities. In the manufacturing of fish ball, optimum floatation is extremely important for maximal production. Factors affecting floatation of fish ball in water were investigated. The density of threadfin bream surimi paste...
To advance management of wild catfish stocks and improve production on fish farms, scientists have extensively studied factors affecting catfish growth. The faster a catfish grows, the sooner it reaches harvestable size and, subsequently, trophy proportions, so growth is important to catfish anglers...
This study examined the factors affecting the bioaccessibility of methylmercury (MeHg) in nine species of marine fish with an aim to identify ways of reducing MeHg bioaccessibility. MeHg bioaccessibility without any treatment in the nine species of marine fish ranged from 16.0 to 67.7%. Steaming, ...
The fish farming industry has been more focused on the quality of eggs or larvae rather than that of sperm, even though the quality of both gametes may affect fertilisation success and larval survival. In some species, poor sperm quality can be a limiting factor in their culture, however, ev...