Case report of a young adult male in whom a rare hypercoagulable state - Factor V Leiden heterozygous mutation and concurrent Antithrombin III deficiency predisposed to Mesenteric venous thrombosis and consequent small bowel gangrene. The case is re...
The incidence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in individuals with heterozygous Factor V Leiden mutation is low. However, DVT risk may be substantially increased when accompanied by nephrotic syndrome. Anticoagulation remains the mainstay of therapy but intervention may be necessary in clinically severe ...
Activated protein C resistance, caused by a point mutation factor V gene was described in last decade. This article highlights a case of a 9 year-old-boy who admitted to Baskent University Hospital with right- sided hemiplegia. He was diagnosed as heterozygous for the FVL mutation and with ...
All of the patients and controls tested positive were heterozygous for the mutation.Conclusion: Further studies in larger patients series with systemic involvement are needed to determine the prevalence of this mutation in BD with systemic involvement.Cebeci Filiz...
Factor V Leiden refers to the c.1691G>A variant in the FV gene, which encodes coagulation factor V. This variant results in resistance to factor V protein degradation by activated protein C and increases the risk of VTE 6 to 8 fold in heterozygous carriers and 80 fold in homozygous carrier...
We report here the evolution of the thrombin generation profile while taking combined oral contraceptives and after their discontinuation in a woman with heterozygous factor V Leiden mutation. The proband exhibited a distinctly prothrombotic thrombin generation profile including markedly decreased thrombomodulin...
Synonyms for Factor V Leiden mutation in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Factor V Leiden mutation. 34 synonyms for mutation: anomaly, variation, deviant, freak of nature, change, variation, evolution, transformation, modification, alteration, deviation...
We report an 81-year-old female with a heterozygous factor V Leiden mutation who developed purpura fulminans. Digital necrosis, a characteristic clinical feature of purpura fulminans was prominent. Purpura fulminans is more common in children and adult cases are rare. Of eight reported cases of ...
(redirected fromFactor V Leiden mutation) Thesaurus Medical Legal Acronyms Encyclopedia mu·ta·tion (myo͞o-tā′shən) n. 1.The act or process of being altered or changed. 2.An alteration or change, as in nature, form, or quality. ...
METHODS: We investigated the association of factor V mutation with CVT using a case-control study. Nineteen unselected patients with CVT and 57 healthy control subjects were tested for the point mutation. RESULTS: The mutation was found in a heterozygous form in 4 of the 19 patients with CVT ...