Yellow and orange circles represent the positions of tyrosine residues substituted by serines in 8YtoS and 14YtoS; all tyrosine residues were substituted in 22YtoS. d, Fluorescence microscopy images of 40 µM AR-AD droplets (WT* and mutants) at 1 M NaCl. Scale bar, 10 μm. e,...
Production of competence-provoking factor and transformation of a group H streptococcus were achieved in the absence of serum or albumin in media sterilized by filtration through Millipore filters.No significant transformation was found when the medium was heated more than 40–50 minutes at 115°117 ...
This rotation may require transient release and reassociation of CaMC with the IQ motif, which could also allow CaM to translocate to a different high-affinity CaMBD. The four FGF isoforms (FGF11–FGF14) that bind the EFL domain of NaVs are a subgroup of the fibroblast growth factor ...
The Framingham study found that dietary patterns extracted with cluster analysis were associated with significant variations in nutrient intake profiling [63,79,82]. Moreover, an evaluation of the validity of a method depends on whether it is able to predict disease rates, outcomes, and parameters...
Apomixis is a reproductive model that bypasses sexual reproduction, so it does not require the combination of paternal and maternal gametes but instead results in the production of offspring directly from maternal tissues. This reproductive mode results in the same genetic material in the mother and ...
The VEGF pathway has become an important therapeutic target in lung cancer, where VEGF has long been established as a potent pro-angiogenic growth factor expressed by many types of tumors. While Bevacizumab (Avastin) has proven successful in increasing the objective tumor response rate and in prolo...
The body’s total antioxidant capacity represents a sum of the antioxidant capacity of various tissues/organs. A decrease in the body’s antioxidant capacity may induce oxidative stress and subsequent metabolic syndrome, a clustering of risk factors for
when a firm controls unique resources, when only a small number of firms attempt to implement a strategy, and when some firms have access to lower cost capital than others, and so on, are all special cases of differences in expectations held by firms about the future value of a strategic ...
Oncogenic and transcriptional cooperation with Ha-Ras requires phosphorylation of c-Jun on serines 63 and 73 RECENT advances indicate a link between tumour promoters, transformation and AP-1 activity 1 . Protein kinase C activation increases AP-1 DNA-binding activ... T Smeal,B Binetruy,DA Merco...
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