Six factors were computed by principal component factor analysis that explained 80% of the variation in the traits, among which amylose content-related (30.8%), gelatinisation temperature-related (14.9%) and grain appearance-related (11.1%) factors were most important. Gel pasting properties ...
Although the amount of variance explained by sociodemographic variables was small, research by Boshier and colleagues revealed that those with low education, low occupational status, and low income were most likely to participate for social contact, social stimulation, community service, and external ...
Revising Caspi’s original model, Sharp and Wall (2018) propose that the developmental trajectory of the p-factor should encompass personality pathology in addition to internalizing and externalizing difficulties and thought disorders. Maladaptive personality traits are associated with internalizing and extern...
In the one-factor model with correlated residual, the factor loadings of the two reverse-coded items were only 0.28 and 0.32, which were both below the cut-off value of 0.40 recommended by Worthington and Whittaker [63]. In addition, the model only explained 39.30% of the total variation ...
This cannot be explained by different relative endowments of trade-barrier-induced specialization in different diversification cones. We need to add technological differences. Specifically, the labor receiving countries must be attractive destinations for capital flows as well, because they have superior ...
These 3 factors explained 55% of the overall variance. Our findings were similar to that of previous factor analytic studies of GHQ-12 that have found three-factor solution [20, 35, 44]. In conformity, Martin and Newell [45] in their factor analysis of Graetz three-factor solution ...
The frequencies of the T677 allele/TT genotype were not significantly different among women with explained RSA (35.6%/13.3%), women with unexplained RSA (34.2%/7.9%), primigravid controls (35.1%/11.7%), and multigravid controls (39.7%/16.5%). In the cases of unexplained RSA, the ...
Except for higher levels in MOM from mothers of multiples, this variance could not be explained by maternal or delivery characteristics. Further studies are needed to conclusively determine factors associated with maternal AF-compleasome levels in MOM. Unfortunately, we did not have information on ...
bifactor model (Reise, 2012), in which each observed variable can simultaneously and directly load on a bifactor (general factor) and on a group factor (specific factor), which makes it possible to disentangle the fraction of variance explained by the general factor and by the group factors....
(χ2 = 14,517.78,df = 1485,p = > 0.000), indicating the data was appropriate for EFA. All correlations werer = < 0.90 suggesting no evidence of substantial multicollinearity. Factors were fixed to nine, as per the paralleled analysis, which explained 56.3% ...