登录Facebook帐户—点击屏幕右上角的下拉选项—选择“Create a Page” 创建一个商业页面,然后开始持续生成内容或帖子,并通过向你现有的客户共享你的页面或加入Facebook群组来扩大关注者。 付费社交营销 先导航至Facebook商业页面—点击屏幕右上角的下拉箭头—选择“Manage Ads”—点击“Create”按钮开始广告活动创建过程。
2.成为开发者,并添加开发者应用(拿到APP_ID、和秘钥APP_SECRET) 3.申请manage_pages、ads_read、ads_management、Ads Management Standard Access、business_management 权限(申请权限过程比较痛苦) 4.拥有广告主账户或BM账户(以下简称用户账户) 5.需要通过FB的Login接口登录用户账户 6.获取用户授权manage_pages、ads_...
有三种方法可以访问广告管理系统器: 网址访问:http://facebook.com/ads/manager单击Facebook页面右上角的下拉箭头,然后在下拉菜单中选择“管理广告”。使用Facebook广告管理系统移动端应用,随时随地访问和管理广告系列。网址:http://facebook.com/business/news/ads-manager-app 看下面这张图,你会更了解广告管理器的...
Manage links. If you like the idea of having all your links shortened, stored, customized and well-organized, Kontentino is the right tool for you. Sign up to Kontentino Check the stats, see the facts. Make the right social media calls based on valuable information provided by our Analytic...
Meta Ads Manager is used to create and manage your ad campaigns. It offers tools to create and edit ads and report on ad campaign performance. Meta Business Manager, on the other hand, is for managing broader business operations and overseeing your Facebook Business Pages. How do I use Fac...
How we manage Facebook What does Facebook include? PackagesWhy Choose Facebook?About FacebookFacebook have surpassed 1 TRILLION page views per month Over 1 BILLION active users (around one 7th of the world’s population) Over half of Australia’s total population on Facebook Average user has...
What’s the difference between Meta Ads Manager and Meta Business Manager? Meta Ads Manager is used to create and manage your ad campaigns. It offers tools to create and edit ads and report on ad campaign performance. Meta Business Manager, on the other hand, is for managing broader business...
Facebook广告管理器(Facebook Ads Manager)可免费使用,你将需要广告预算来运行广告,但仅此而已。 事实上,只要你有一个普通的个人Facebook账号,你就会自动拥有一个广告账号。 寻找工具栏右上角的下拉箭头,然后单击“Manage Ads”(如果你以前从未运行过任何Facebook广告,则单击“Create Ads”),以访问广告管理器帐户。
阅读并签署Facebook Custom Audiences服务条款。 为此,请转到https://business.facebook.com/ads/manage/customaudiences/tos/?act=[accountID]&business_id=206617933627973,其中accountID是您的Facebook Ad Account ID。 签署服务条款时,确保URL中存在business_id=206617933627973部分。
It can help to learn how to manage a custom audience by following these instructions. As you can see, with a little time, care and attention, you can directly engage your target audience with strategically placed Facebook ads. 6. Create your Facebook ad You have six ad formats to choose...