如果是希望直播更多东西,或者是想做录播 + 自动聊单的方案,就需要使用推流工具进行推流。这里我们使用的是 OBS 来进行推流。 编辑 我们拿到 编辑 跟 编辑 之后,就可以进入 OBS 进行推流了。 打开OBS,找到设置 编辑 找到推流,服务选择Facebook Live 编辑 将Stream Key填写进去 编辑 然后我们就可以选择我们自己要推...
直播网络搭建: 接入OgLive海外Facebook直播网络,根据面向的国家市场选择国家线路,可以让服务商协助接入,直接连接就没有开播 设置直播软件: 下载并安装适合您的直播软件,例如OBS Studio、XSplit等。在软件设置中,输入您在步骤3中获取的直播密钥,以便将直播内容传输到您的Facebook页面或群组。 进行测试直播: 在正式直播...
OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording cc-plus-plusffmpeglive-streamingvideo-recordingscreen-capturetwitch-tvdirectshowfacebook-liveyoutube-livegame-capture UpdatedFeb 11, 2025 C scivision/PyLivestream ...
When streaming using OBS Studio the video feed will go to facebook live but it will not go live, looks like it is stuck in preview mode please help L Lawrence_SoCal Active Member Jul 16, 2020 #2 That sounds like your settings in Facebook, not OBS. Are you using facebook.com/live...
Hello all, I have been using obs for a while, I wanted to test the last version (Test it on a virtual machine). Fresh and new install : - Windows 10 22H2 + Last updates - OBS Studio 28.1.2 (last version) Streaming config for " Facebook Live " : rtmps://live-api-s.facebook...
Stream Recorded Gameplay as Live on Twitch Twitch brings together a lot of gamers allowing them to share live gameplay streams. With the help of OBS Studio, we can set up a previously recorded live stream on Twitch. Initially, set up your Twitch account. Suppose you are new to twitch, reg...
步驟2:要有一個Facebook 粉絲團,點選上方選單的「Publishing Tools」,並點「Open Creator Studio」。 步驟3:「Create Post」- 「Go Live」 步驟4:複制 Facebook 提供的 Stream key 到 OBS 的 Settings 裡。 如果不透過上圖的 Facebook「Connect」tool, 透過網頁版的「Camera」或 手機的Facebook「Pages Manag...
Stream to multiple channels with OBS, Restream Studio, vMix and more. 2 channels for multistreaming 30+ supported platforms Cross-platform chat Invite 5 guests Show More Various alternatives pricing & plans Pricing information for the above various Facebook Live alternatives is supplied by the respec...
I have been using Facebook Live Producer for the last year every Friday to stream and have had minimal issues, but last Friday I tried to connect to my live stream but for some reason Facebook is not acknowledging OBS ...
Beneath this, find the Stream Key (you may need the server URL as well) and copy this into your video game streaming app. In OBS Studio, go toSettings > Streamand set theServiceasFacebook Live. Beneath this, paste the key in theStream Keyfield and clickOKto confirm. ...