通过OBS直播推流到Youtube或者Facebook总是连不上?办法在这里,赶紧收藏起来吧#外贸 #知识分享 #外贸技巧 #每天跟我涨知识 #每天学习一点点 - 征途于20221104发布在抖音,已经收获了963个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
linux obs-studio推流直播到FACEBOOK&YOUTUBE平台 国内在推流到海外平台的时候因为被墙的原因,LINUX平台使用QV2RAY等一些穿墙工具时全局功能可能没有,需要搭配一些其它工具,这里使用的是proxychains,在下载好proxychains之后对其进行编辑设置socks5代理: $vim /etc/proxychains.conf socks5 [ProxyList] #...
crash facebook facebook live facebook streaming live stream youtube youtube streaming Replies: 2 Forum: Windows Support C Question / Help Facebook livestream pc via slOBS LAGGY! Can Someone help with Facebook live Streaming?? Idk why my stream works great on Twitch (lCynapse.TTV) but ...
facebook live K Suddenly wont connect stream to FB or YouTube Stream keys no longer connect OBS to FB live. I copy and paste them into OBS like we've been doing to for years, click start streaming, but it wont connect to the platform. Message from FB still says to "Connect Streaming...
OBS Studio can stream your videos on all the major streaming platforms, including Twitch, YouTube, Facebook Live, and more than 30 such platforms. When you live stream on Facebook with OBS Studio, you can enjoy the host of visual mixing and customization features of OBS Studio. The process...
The Streamlabs OBS, now Streamlabs Desktop is an easy way forward for OBS live to stream. If you want to download Streamlabs OBS or use it swiftly afterward, we’ve got you covered here. Learn more.
click theGo Livebutton in the top left corner of your YouTube dashboard. Once the OBS establishes the connection to YouTube, the broadcast will be visible in the preview pane. Keep in mind that there is a 20-second delay between your live stream and the public page where your viewers ar...
二、选择直播软件 (II. Choosing Live Streaming Software) 在准备好设备后,接下来需要选择合适的直播软件。以下是一些流行的直播软件: 1. OBS Studio OBS Studio是一款开源的直播软件,功能强大且免费。它支持多种平台,包括Twitch、YouTube和Facebook等。用户可以自定义场景、添加多个视频源,并进行实时编辑。 2. X...
Wrap Up: Stream on YouTube With OBS Before You Go Live Make sure your channel has at least 1,000 subscribers. Also, you need toverify your channelwhich is easy enough to do. And finally, check if you have hadno live stream restrictionsin the last 90 days. ...
OBS(short for Open Broadcaster Software) is relatively heavy software that you can install on Windows or Mac. It’s fundamentally an encoder that digitizes videos and sends them to YouTube to be live-streamed to your viewers. In terms of usability, you get a lot of options and features ...