When I look at Facebook itself I see 9 images. Also when I look at the album call:/3738185490005I see"count": 9. All images in this album are shared with Friends. I have seen this with multiple kinds of albums, but it happens most (as far as I can see) with Mobile Uploads or ...
可以使用 https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=QUERY 的方式执行 SQL,查询条件的结构类型:SELECT [fields] FROM [table] WHERE [conditions] ,我们还是通过获取 Coca-Cola 涂鸦墙的数据示例 FQL 的用法,在这个示例中将取出第一条用户的评论:图 7. 取出第一条用户的评论 只需要在浏览器中输入...
Crashing before the update and after the update, i Fix the crashing by unistalling the app, clearing the cache of facebook services, deleting the obb folder of both facebook services and facebook folder and then restart the phone, after all those things, i install the facebook, works fine...
What must I change to bring the photos directly to the desired albums? Theaidisnotthe ID you should be using when you do the upload. This is not obvious from the Facebook docs - but you should use theobject_idcolumn as this represents an object on the Graph API. So, change your FQL...
–FQLisawaytoquerythesamefacebookdatayoucanaccessthroughtheotherAPIfunctions,butwithaSQLstyleinterface.–SELECTname,affiliationsFROMuserWHEREuidIN(SELECTuid2FROMfriendWHEREuid1=211031)AND"Facebook"INaffiliations.nameANDuid<10 Events facebook.events.get –returnsallvisibleeventsaccordingtothefiltersspecified fac...
The good thing is: In most cases you don´t even need to worry about the App Access Token (or any Token at all), if you are using one of the SDKs. If you include either the PHP SDK or the JavaScript SDK correctly,each call to the Facebook API will automatically include the App...
Step 5: Add the Facebook Albums to Your WordPress Pages or Posts ステップ1:Smash BalloonカスタムFacebook Feedのインストール WordPressにFacebookのアルバムを埋め込む最良の方法は、Smash Balloon Custom Facebook Feedプラグインを使用することです。 このプラグインを使えば、Facebookの状態...
Automatically import all albums from a Facebook Page and create an entire web gallery Sign up, it’s free Go PRO * Free version is branded Join 300,000+ users who grow with EmbedSocial Loved by 300,000+ big and small brands. World-famous and local...
The Facebook component provides access to all of the Facebook APIs accessible using Facebook4J. It allows producing messages to retrieve, add, and delete posts, likes, comments, photos, albums, videos, photos, checkins, locations, links, etc. It also supports APIs that allow polling for...
Step 5: Add the Facebook Albums to Your WordPress Pages or Posts Passo 1: installare Smash Balloon Facebook Feed personalizzato Il modo migliore per incorporare gli album di Facebook in WordPress è utilizzare il plugin Smash Balloon Custom Facebook Feed. Questo plugin consente di incorpora...