可以使用 https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=QUERY 的方式执行 SQL,查询条件的结构类型:SELECT [fields] FROM [table] WHERE [conditions] ,我们还是通过获取 Coca-Cola 涂鸦墙的数据示例 FQL 的用法,在这个示例中将取出第一条用户的评论:图 7. 取出第一条用户的评论 只需要在浏览器中输入...
–FQLisawaytoquerythesamefacebookdatayoucanaccessthroughtheotherAPIfunctions,butwithaSQLstyleinterface.–SELECTname,affiliationsFROMuserWHEREuidIN(SELECTuid2FROMfriendWHEREuid1=211031)AND"Facebook"INaffiliations.nameANDuid<10 Events facebook.events.get –returnsallvisibleeventsaccordingtothefiltersspecified fac...
Facebook API allows you to access and publish posts on your Facebook user accountThis connector is available in the following products and regions:展开表 ServiceClassRegions Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure China regions Power Automate Standard All Power ...
Download your facebook's albums on your computer with python and Facebook API - mattia-beta/Facebook-Albums-Downloader
facebook.photos.getAlbums ––returns metadata about all of the photo returns metadata about all of the photo albums uploaded by the specified user albums uploaded by the specified user facebook.photos.getTags facebook.photos.getTags ––returns the set of user tags on all photos returns the...
I thought about iterating through all of the user's albums and posting to the one called "Wall Photos", but wonder if there is a more elegant way? Thanks facebook facebook-graph-api photos Share Improve this question Follow asked Jan 12, 2012 at 16:17 Alex 1,13133 gold badges1515...
albums.Add(newAlbum);}As you can see, all albums are retrieved in one asynchronous call; not including the cover photo itself: just its id is stored in the CoverPhotoId property. Each cover photo will be asynchronously fetched in two steps. The first one is to get its URI...
Photo albums:https://graph.facebook.com/99394368305(Coca-Cola's wall photos) Profile pictures:http://graph.facebook.com/100000992767935/picture(your profile picture) Videos:https://graph.facebook.com/817129783203(A Facebook tech talk on Graph API) ...
I am developing a iPhone application which get facebook album with this URL https://graph.facebook.com/me/albums?access_token=2227470867|2.ZJr73vaEvFeN4fI_A70RFw__.3600.1297090800-100000566543036|WmgxdwULBgKXl8J7ksGIA1tyGik Now i want to get photos from this album. Any Idea will be appre...
Returns metadata about all of the photo albums uploaded by the specified user. photos.getTags Returns the set of user tags on all photos specified. photos.upload Uploads a photo owned bu the current session user and returns the new photo. profile.setFBML Sets the FBML for a user’s profile...