一旦用户授权,你可以使用Facebook图形API中的/me端点来获取用户的基本信息,包括用户的ID。 使用用户的ID,你可以使用/{user-id}/albums端点来获取用户的相册列表。 在相册列表中,你可以找到用户的头像相册。通常,头像相册的ID是profile_picture_album。 使用头像相册的ID,你可以使用/{album-id}/photos端点来获取...
代码语言:txt 复制 using Facebook.Unity; // 在适当的位置调用此方法来获取用户的图像URL和Facebook ID private void GetFacebookProfilePictureAndID() { if (AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken != null) { // 使用Graph API请求...
WhatsApp profile picture, Facebook dp, Instagram photo and LinkedIn image 2024. we share with you latest, high resolution and free downloads cute, stylish, attitude, beautiful, baby girl image, newborn baby image
public void onComplete(String response, Object state) { Log.v("", "FriendListRequestONComplete"); friendData = response; Log.v("friendData--", ""+friendData); //Create method to run on UI thread MainActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @SuppressLint("...
In addition, we find suggestive evidence for a higher effect of Facebook profile picture appearance on hiring chances when candidates are highly educated and when recruiters are female. 展开 关键词: Attractiveness Facebook hiring Internet personality screening ...
What Does Your Profile Picture Say About You? The Accuracy of Thin-Slice Personality Judgments from Social Networking Sites Made at Zero-Acquaintance The study investigates impressions formed through social networking sites, specifically the initial judgments we make of others when first momentarily expo...
Single Photo theme: You can use one photo that helps you create an interaction between the Cover photo and your Profile photo Multiple Photos theme: You can use multiple photos to create a simple collage-like effect. Once you have selected a theme, you can perform the following actions: Re...
Name.FBSDKProfileDidChange, object: nil, queue: nil) { (Notification) in // 进一步获取用户信息 if let profile = FBSDKProfile.current() { print("profile.userID: \(profile.userID)") print("profile.name: \(profile.name)") let url = profile.imageURL(for: FBSDKProfilePictureMode.normal,...
This research examines identity construction and gender roles in social networking sites by studying and comparing the profile photographs of male and female Facebook users. Specifically, the number of photos in the profile album and the content of the main profile picture are studied by coding spec...
{"data":{"upNextVideoData":{"is_live_streaming":false,"title_with_fallback":"My absolute weirdest fan interaction ever","owner":{"__typename":"User","name":"Disguised Toast","profile_picture":{"uri":"https://scontent-cpt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-1/cp0/p60x60/174117027_303848991...