发布于2010年,这个数据库是在Cohn-Kanade Dataset的基础上扩展来的,它包含137个人的不同人脸表情视频帧。这个数据库比起JAFFE要大的多。而且也可以免费获取,包含表情的标注和基本Action Units 的标注。 (6) Fer2013 数据集地址:https://www.kaggle.com/c/challenges-in-representation-learning-facial-expression-re...
【Dataset】【LFW】Huang G B, Mattar M, Berg T, et al. Labeled faces in the wild: A database forstudying face recognition in unconstrained environments[C]//Workshop on faces in'Real-Life'Images: detection, alignment, and recognition. 2008. R. Sala Llonch, E. Kokiopoulou, I. Tosic, P...
FDDB的全称为The Face Detection Dataset and Benchmark,由卡内基梅隆大学 (Carnegie Mellon University) 的研究团队开发,是一个用于无约束条件下的人脸检测数据集,是人脸检测领域比较权威的数据集。它是一个非常全面的数据集,包含了多种姿态、表情、角度和光照条件下的人脸图像。FDDB数据集被广泛用于人脸检测算法的评估...
Code Issues Pull requests Occluded facial expression recognition using contrastive learning to improve performance on occluded images while retaining performance on non-occluded ones. pytorch face-mask ferplus contrastive-learning rafdb-dataset Updated Jun 5, 2022 Jupyter Notebook praat...
we will obtain a dataset from Kaggle and use that data to train the model to be able to detect emotion and facial expression. Then, in the third project section, we will build an age detection system using OpenCV. We will use a dataset containing photos of people from various ages and ...
MegaFace Dataset1 Million Faces for Recognition at Scale 690,572 unique people FaceScrub. A Dataset With Over 100,000 Face Images of 530 People. FDDB.Face Detection and Data Set Benchmark. 5k images. AFLW.Annotated Facial Landmarks in the Wild: A Large-scale, Real-world Database for Facia...
【Dataset】【LFW】Huang G B, Mattar M, Berg T, et al. Labeled faces in the wild: A database forstudying face recognition in unconstrained environments[C]//Workshop on faces in'Real-Life'Images: detection, alignment, and recognition. 2008. R. Sala Llonch, E. Kokiopoulou, I. Tosic, P...
(1) Acc: We utilize the frame-level Acc the most direct metric to assess the detection performance within the intra-class scene of FaceForensic++. (2) AUC: Frame-level AUC is employed as an additional metric to assess the effectiveness within the intra-dataset scenario and evaluate the ...
expression, and large pose. CelebA [81] dataset was used for training, and LFW [82] dataset was used along with CelebA for the testing process. Ren et al. [83] developed an encoder-decoder framework for video deblurring of 3D face points. The identity knowledge and facial structure were ...
MegaFace Dataset 1 Million Faces for Recognition at Scale 690,572 unique people FaceScrub. A Dataset With Over 100,000 Face Images of 530 People. FDDB.Face Detection and Data Set Benchmark. 5k images. AFLW.Annotated Facial Landmarks in the Wild: A Large-scale, Real-world Database for Fac...