The dataset offers a wide range of capabilities - from thermal face recognition to thermal expression recognition.Marcin KowalskiArtur GrudzienMetrology and Measurement Systems: Metrologia i Systemy Pomiarowe
发布于2010年,这个数据库是在Cohn-Kanade Dataset的基础上扩展来的,它包含137个人的不同人脸表情视频帧。这个数据库比起JAFFE要大的多。而且也可以免费获取,包含表情的标注和基本Action Units 的标注。 (6) Fer2013 数据集地址:
The FaceScrub dataset comprises a total of 107,818 face images of 530 celebrities, with about 200 images per person. As such, it is one of the largest public face detection datasets. WIDER FACE: A Face Detection Benchmark The WIDER FACE dataset is a face detection benchmark dataset. It co...
The face recognition framework is proposed in which the widely-encountered single sample problem for identification of faces with expressions is targeted by augmenting the dataset with synthesized images. Several expressions are simulated for each enrolled person on an anima table model which is ...
CelebA: Deep Learning Face Attributes in the Wild(10k people in 202k images with 5 landmarks and 40 binary attributes per image) [paper][dataset] Face Recognition 2018Survey: Deep Facial Expression Recognition: A Survey [paper] 2018Survey: Deep Face Recognition: A Survey [paper] ...
The dataset has 10,524 human faces of various resolutions and in different settings, e.g. portrait images, groups of people, etc. Profile faces or very low resolution faces are not labeled. 10k+人脸,提供双眼和嘴巴的坐标位置 image 16.The Japanese Female Facial Expression (JAFFE) Database The... for deep face recognition experimentation There are a number of face datasets that can be utilized for training and testing the deepface recognitionmodels. Here, we provide details of some of them. TheLFWDataset:The Labelled Faces in the Wild (LFW) (Huang et al., 2008) is ... 关键特征点的个数有5/15/68/98/106... GitHub - becauseofAI/awesome-face: An awesome face technology repository. face detection Face alignment Face recognition ...
machine-learning models on our novel dataset of road construction sites, field testing of self-driving cars, and streaming face recognition, while reducing cloud storage, dataset annotation time, and cloud compute time by between 65.7-... S Chinchali,E Pergament,M Nakanoya,... 被引量: 0发表...
learning-based 3D face recognition approaches. To the best of my knowledge, the LS3DFace ( is the largest 3D face dataset to date, which contains 1,853 identities with 31,860 scans. This is in fact a merged dataset from the most challenging public ...