1) 下载链接:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fabric-api/files 2) 选择最新的Fabric API文件进行下载 curseforge上的Fabric API下载界面 5. 将Fabric API放入mods文件夹中 将刚刚下载的fabric-api-xxx.jar文件放入%AppData%\.minecraft\mods文件夹里面 当前fabric-api的版本为0.62.0,适合MC的1.19....
EXtract - 提取 (提取出的 liteloader jar 可以放在 Forge 下作为 Mod API 运行,但其他 Mod API 的...
EXtract - 提取 (提取出的 liteloader jar 可以放在 Forge 下作为 Mod API 运行,但其他 Mod API 的...
API 的概念是针对开发者而言的而并非用户,开发者利用 Mod API 制作各式趣味横生的 Mod ,但用户并不直接使用它们。 Mod Loader/API 是爱好者的产物 Mod Loader/API 是爱好者制作发布而 非 Mojang 官方 。 因此早期的 Mod Loader/API 门类众多且在安装使用上较为复杂繁琐,经过近十年迭代发展,现代的情况是基本统一...
addCandidateFinder(new ArgumentModCandidateFinder(remapRegularMods)); Is there any reason why you can't "jar in jar" your additional mod? Author SettingDust commented Jun 17, 2022 Using *Impl classes isn't supported. Unless you are using classes from the api package, your code could ...
Avoid the old Api.INSTANCE pattern in favor of static methods. This pattern may be used if the backing implementation may be changed by another mod (such as the renderer api). Even then there should be static methods to access the standard api facilities. Avoid unnecessary use of generics....
Download Fabric API for the desired Minecraft version from this page and put the jar file in the mods folder like any ordinary mod More information and full installation instructions can be found on the Fabric website and support is available through the Fabric discord server. This is SEPARATE ...
Fabric由两部分组成,包括Fabric API和Fabric Loader,Fabric Loader主要用来实现MOD加载功能,Fabric提供一些基础的接口供开发者使用,允许其他MOD注册物品、模型、方块、图形界面等,允许MOD通过SpongePowered Mixin修改Minecraft字节码,这一点相对于Forge来说更加安全,因为Mixin能够更好的控制字节码的改动。
Open Fabric Loader Open the downloaded jar or exe file, choose the preferred game version and loader version to be installed, and press the "Install" button. Download Dependency Fabric API is an optional dependency, but we highly recommend installing it, as many other mods will require it. ...
- fabric-transfer-api-v1 1.5.4+cf39a74318 via fabric - fabricloader 0.14.10 - indium 1.0.1+mc1.17.1 - iris 1.2.7 - java 17 - krypton 0.1.4 - lambdynlights 2.1.0+1.17 - lithium 0.7.5 - minecraft 1.17.1 - modmenu 2.0.16 ...