Fabric API is the library for essential hooks and interoperability mechanisms for Fabric mods. Examples include: Exposing functionality that is useful but difficult to access for many mods such as particles, biomes and dimensions Adding events, hooks and APIs to improve interoperability between mods. ...
fabric-api-0.91.0+1.20.2.jar Supported Versions 1.20.2 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Fabric modImplementation "curse.maven:fabric-api-306612:4902816" Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have disabled 3rd part...
Download Fabric API for the desired Minecraft version from this page and put the jar file in the mods folder like any ordinary mod More information and full installation instructions can be found on the Fabric website and support is available through the Fabric discord server. This is SEPARATE ...
fabric-api-0.76.0+1.19.3.jar forcecrawl-fabric-1.19.x-1.0.2.jar iris-mc1.19.3-1.5.2.jar mc-world-export-0.7.0.jar replaymod-1.19.3-2.6.10.jar [FPS减速器] FpsReducer2-fabric-1.19.3-2.2.jar [JEI物品管理器] jei-1.19.3-fabric- [WI变焦] WI-Zoom-1.4-MC1.19.3....
Cardboard is an implementation of the popular Bukkit/Spigot/Paper Modding API for FabricMC. This mod lets you use plugins that are made for Bukkit and it's derivatives (Spigot & Paper) on a Fabric modded server. Fabric version chart: ...
Everybody can create their own carpet features or extend scarpet language with some new API, by creating a carpet extension using thiscarpet extension mod template. How? Hwat? Follow instructions for all other fabric mods inhttps://fabricmc.net/use/and dumpcarpet...jarinmodsfolder along with...
输入java -jar 你的文件的名字 出现了一个窗口 我们选择“Install server” 选择一个空的文件,按“确定” 之后便会自动下载文件 并自动构建 出现这个就代表你成功了! 如果有控制台,将会出现 我们打开那个安装的文件夹 我们运行run.bat 出现一些文件,然后就退出了,这是因为我们没有同意eula。我们打开eula.txt,将...
已安装Fabric0.14.12及以上版本、Fabric API0.70.0及以上版本的Minecraft1.19.2。 前置模组 1.18.2版本: GeckoLib3.0.80及以上版本 | MCMOD LibGUI5.4.2及以上版本(自本模组V1.2.0-BETA2以后版本已弃用该前置模组) | GitHub 1.19.2版本: GeckoLib3.1.38及以上版本 | MCMOD ...
Carpet Mod Settings antiCheatDisabled carpets combineXPOrbs commandCameramode commandDistance commandDraw commandInfo commandLog commandPerimeterInfo commandPlayer commandScript commandSpawn commandTick commandTrackAI ctrlQCraftingFix customMOTD defaultLoggers ...
输入java -jar 你的文件的名字 出现了一个窗口 我们选择“Install server” 选择一个空的文件,按“确定” 之后便会自动下载文件 并自动构建 出现这个就代表你成功了! 如果有控制台,将会出现 我们打开那个安装的文件夹 我们运行run.bat 出现一些文件,然后就退出了,这是因为我们没有同意eula。我们打开eula.txt,将...