Municipal, state, and federal regulations have a significant impact not only how and where drones can be used but on how the drone industry evolves.
The register establishes new performance standards which came into force on November 26th, 1984 including retrofit of passenger aircraft certified after January 1st, 1958. Compliance of the register must be achieved by November 26th, 1986.doi:10.1108/eb036082Parish...
The FAA recognizes that changes to the current regulations will be required.The FAA recognizes that to safely integrate powered-lift aircraft into the national airspace system, changes to current regulations, including for pilot certification, training centers, and operating rules will be required. Som...
MOSAICisasweepingregulation.IncludedarepointswelloutsidetheworldofLSA,forexample,somewarbirdregulationsareincludedaswellasnewrulesaboutaircraftkitbuilding.OnlyaportionisspecifictoLSA,however,that’sthepartthatcoverEdhere. MOSAIC是一项全面的规定。包括了LSA之外的一些要点,例如,一些战机的规定以及关于飞机组件制造的新规定。
Drones have been growing in popularity and while hobbyist are permitted to fly (UAS) Unmanned Aircraft Systems under certain restrictions, commercial operators have largely been grounded. These rules and regulations will eventually change all of that. Make no mistake about it there is a lot of mo...
national airspace system. Part 107 of the federal aviation regulations currently prohibits covered drone operations over people and at night unless the operator obtains a waiver from the FAA. The new FAA regulations jointly provide increased flexibility to conduct certain small UAS without obtaining ...
FAA’s new policy says, “Owners of experimental aircraft and flight instructors who have operated experimental aircraft for the purpose of compensated flight training without obtaining a LODA (as allowed by FAA guidance) will be required to obtain a LODA to remain...
aircraft and people and property on the ground.Equipping drones with Remote ID technology builds on previous steps taken by the FAA and the drone industry to integrate operations safely into the national airspace system. Part 107 of the federal aviation regulations currently prohibits covered drone ...
The regulations, however, include limitations -- such as requiring drone operators to keep their unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) within their line of sight -- that effectively prohibit the sort ofdrone delivery servicesenvisioned by Amazon and Google. ...
FAA clears the path for supersonic flight testing over US soil The US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) has released new regulations streamlining the path to supersonic flight testing over US soil, giving a new generation of super-fast aircraft a chance to prove their "boomless cruise" capabilit...