Municipal, state, and federal regulations have a significant impact not only how and where drones can be used but on how the drone industry evolves.
Tips: FAR vs. 14 CFR 1958年以后,美国的联邦航空规章一度被简称为“FARs”(Federal Aviation Regulations)。然而,由于CFR第48篇“联邦收购规章”(48 CFR: Federal Acquisition Regulations System)也使用了FAR作为缩写,为避免混淆,FAA不再使用FAR、而以“14 CFR part XX”指代具体某部规章,例如,21部被称为“14...
The register establishes new performance standards which came into force on November 26th, 1984 including retrofit of passenger aircraft certified after January 1st, 1958. Compliance of the register must be achieved by November 26th, 1986.doi:10.1108/eb036082Parish...
Tips: FAR vs. 14 CFR 1958年以后,美国的联邦航空规章一度被简称为“FARs”(Federal Aviation Regulations)。然而,由于CFR第48篇“联邦收购规章”(48 CFR: Federal Acquisition Regulations System)也使用了FAR作为缩写,为避免混淆,FAA不再使用FAR、而以“14 CFR part XX”指代具体某部规章,例如,21部被称为“14...
The FAA holds the rulemaking prohibition does not apply in the case of general rules that it may issue or modify that apply to all aircraft, such as rules addressing the use of airspace for safety or security reasons. “The statute does not require FAA to exempt model aircraft ...
MOSAICisasweepingregulation.IncludedarepointswelloutsidetheworldofLSA,forexample,somewarbirdregulationsareincludedaswellasnewrulesaboutaircraftkitbuilding.OnlyaportionisspecifictoLSA,however,that’sthepartthatcoverEdhere. MOSAIC是一项全面的规定。包括了LSA之外的一些要点,例如,一些战机的规定以及关于飞机组件制造的新规...
the location of their control stations, providing crucial information to our national security agencies and law enforcement partners, and other officials charged with ensuring public safety. Airspace awareness reduces the risk of drone interference with other aircraft and people and property on the ...
Order 8130.2Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft 咨询通告 (ACs) AC用于为航空业界提供指导,它提供了一种局方接受的方法、但不是唯一的方法,帮助申请人满足某个条款或一系列审定要求。 AC编号的第一份部分通常对应14 CFR的分章(Subchapter)或规章号(Part),如下图所示。
The FAA has issuedpolicy notice 8900.1andAdvisory Circular (AC) 43.218that together provide guidance for fractional and commercial operators to obtain authorization to use digitally integrated aircraft health management (IAHM) programs to meet maintenance requirements. Comprehensive IAHM is an end...
Title 14, Chapter I, Subchapter F, Part 107 of the United States Code is the law that sets out the FAA Regulations for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems. You can find the full text of FAA 107 here:FAA Part 107 Drone Law – Online. ...