The F4U-1A is a American naval fighter. It has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27. This is the first plane available in the F4U Corsair family of the naval aircraft line and it will give a pilot a good idea of the flight characteristics ...
The F4U-1Ds would see service for the remainder of the war, even as improved Corsairs continued coming in. The F4U-1D, introduced since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27, does not have many external differences from the F4U-1A. Despite the more powerful engine, the ...
[回馈社会]试飞数据01之名不副实的海盗F4U-1A 只看楼主收藏回复 RoboLich 上尉 8 可能要小AFK一段时间,其实这段时间以来也一直是试飞和自定义多,实际游戏少。因为毛子对FM经常改动和不让人查看,所以想确定一架飞机的性能除了亲自试飞外别无他法。因为FM会变,所以以下数据仅代表了试飞日期时的状态,不一定永远...
Aki017-Zero 提交新资源: F4U-1A 黑海舰队涂装 - 搬运转载 原帖:
F4U-1D 是继 F4U-1A 之后又一个大规模量产的型号。不仅钱斯·沃特,固特异的工厂也加入了生产(产品编号为 FG-1D)。布鲁斯特工厂之前虽然生产过 F4U-1A,但却因合同问题没有生产该型号。 钱斯·沃特生产了 1,685 架 F4U-1D,而固特异则总共制造了 1,997 架 FG-1D。
F4U-1A添加了前文所讲的用于改善飞机低速特性的金属条,并且修改了起落架支柱,改善了其在着舰时发生弹跳的状况。 F4U-1C是安装了4门20mm AN/M2机炮的F4U-1,这种武器对于飞行员来说不太适用于空战,因为其更加沉重的重量使得飞机的机动性稍有下降,并且更低的弹速和射速对于空战也是一种影响,不过这种武器非常适合...
Research order: F4U-1A F4U-4 F8F-1 Modifications Rating by players Like: 43 players Flight performance: 26 ratings all time Survivability: 26 ratings all time Aerial combat: 5 ratings recently Ground attack: 5 ratings recently Balance: 5 ratings recently ...