In the early 1980s, around ten years after Germany received their Phantoms, Germany decided to retrofit their F-4Fs in an attempt to modernize them. The F-4Fs at the beginning of their lifecycle were stripped down F-4Es in an attempt to reduce the cost and lost many abilities that th...
By early afternoon, the carriers were 50 miles offshore and launching a fresh sortie every few minutes. On Cyprus, planes were taking off or landing at the rate of one a minute. The jets were joined by turboprop Westland Wyverns from the British flattops and propeller-driven Vought F4U ...
I would appreciate it if you could offer me the opportunity to do something for us all. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 尊敬的先生或女士: 我是李华,一名来自中国的交换生。得知你们正在寻找志愿...
This exhibition of Zhejiang antique paintings, on display in the provincial capital of Hangzhou, is an exciting event to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. In the not-very...
1) He arrived early in order to get a good seat. =He arrived early in order that he could get a good seat. 2) I agreed to her suggestion in order not to upset her. 【归纳拓展】 in order to do …= so as to do …= to do…目的状语,但so as to do …不能放在句首,可转化为...
-- Apply Colossus Smash early because its application is delayed for some reason. applyDebuff( "target", "colossus_smash" ) elseif prev_gcd[1].warbreaker and time - action.warbreaker.lastCast < 1 and last_cs_target == target.unit and debuff.colossus_smash.down then ...
订货管理、库存管理甲公司采用先进先出法核算存货的发出计价,2020年初库存商品M的账面余额为600万元,已提存货跌价准备为60万元,本年购入M商品的入账成本为430万元,本年销售M商品结转成本500万元,年末结余存货的预计售价为520万元,预计销售税费为70万元,则当年末存货应提跌价准备为( )万元。
Then in the early 1800’s, the Americans made use of it for the first time. First they made overshoes to (25) their feet dry. Then came a certain Mr. Mackintosh, who made coats of cloth covered with natural rubber. From that day to this we have been coating cloth with rubber...