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而最后在安装了所有所需部件以及坐上驾驶员之后,整辆F1的重量也只有600KG而已,只有一般民用汽车的重量的三分之一左右; 2、发动机(ENGINE):根据规定,现在的F1赛车可以使用排气量3000CC以内的10缸发动机,其最高转速可以达到每分钟19000转,最高输出功率达到900马力。由于F1比赛所需要的稳定性,引擎制作的方向不只是单纯...
板鸭爱情骗子不是妄言,55也是卖遍围场的一员,进入F1以来一共效力过四支车队,在哪都能和队友麦出水平麦出境界。和维斯塔潘的初恋情缘5533,和霍肯伯格的年上crush,和诺里斯的carlando自由恋爱与默契天成,和勒克莱尔的C次方包办婚姻,跟隔壁两轮的马93因为代言也卖出了风情。 车号4 兰多·诺里斯 1999 英国🇬🇧 效...
“We know we have a mountain to climb to fight at the very front. There are no miracles in this sport,” said Merc F1 boss Toto Wolff. Meet the Brackley team's blackundsilver new pair of mountain boots, then: the much improved, massively upgraded W15. A car that hopes to cure all...
The experts are suggesting that Michael Schumacher stands no chance in his all-new Ferrari. They point to the winter testing programme, saying that the car arrived too late to be shaken down properly, and that first indications suggest its new V10 engine is too gutless and too unreliable. ...
Not a watered-down version of the same engine, and not a turbocharged hybrid V6 ‘inspired by’ Lewis and Nico’s single-seater. We’re talking about a street car with a proper F1 engine. Cor blimey. Top Gear broke the story of AMG’s secret projectback in August, following the Belg...
2、发动机(ENGINE):根据规定,现在的F1赛车可以使用排气量3000CC以内的10缸发动机,其最高转速可以达到每分钟19000转,最高输出功率达到900马力。由于F1比赛所需要的稳定性,引擎制作的方向不只是单纯的高速,更需要适应长时间的高速运转以及为了得到更好的转弯性能,也必须提出小体积、轻重量和小尺寸等设计需求; ...
As always, behind the record-breaking cars, the more recent ones driven by Kimi Räikkönen and Felipe Massa from the early 2000s, as well as the single-seaters from the last few decades, like the 1995 412 T2 car, the last F1 car powered by a 12-cylinder engine, are the exceptiona...
8、Safety car:安全车 9. Constructor:制造商/车队;F1赛车的制造商是指车身底盘的制造者,而不是指引擎制造商。按照规定,底盘制造者的名字通常是放在引擎制造商名字的前面,在一级方程式锦标赛中,车队冠军的荣耀是颁给车身底盘制造商的。 10. Race driver: 车手 11. Team manager 车队经理 12. sponsor 赞助商 ...