ATP synthaseNeutrophilCytoplasmic alkalinizationMigrationCytoplasmic alkalinization and extracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) signals are required for migration of chemokineactivated neutrophils, but the precise functions remain unclear. In this work, the effect of the plasma membrane-expressed F0F1-ATP ...
ATP合酶,又称F0F1-ATP酶在细胞内催化能源物质ATP的合成。在呼吸或光合作用过程中通过电子传递链释放的能量先转换为跨膜质子(H+)梯差,之后质子流顺质子梯差通过ATP合酶可以使ADP+Pi合成ATP。 ATP合酶(ATP synthase)广泛分布于线粒体内膜,叶绿体类囊体,异养菌和光合菌的质膜上,参与氧化磷酸化和光合磷酸化,在跨膜...
线粒体呼吸链复合物V,通常称为ATP合成酶(ATP synthase)、F型ATP酶(F type ATPase)和F1F0ATP酶(F1F0ATPase),是线粒体氧化磷酸化的终极反应。。其分子量为500KD,含有十六个亚单位,其中两 个:ATP酶6和8为线粒体DNA编码的。ATP酶主要有朗格结构域:F0为质子通道,由几个膜蛋白构成,包括a、b、c、d、e、F6...
复合物V的主要功能在于 产生大部分细胞所需要的能量ATP。ATP的合成需要线粒体内膜电子传递到氧分子时,呼吸链蛋白所产生的质子梯度变化。质子通过F0结构域传递到基质,激活F1催化活性结构域,促使ATP合成。该酶异常会导致心肌和神经系统疾病。线粒体呼吸链复合物V,通常称为ATP合成酶(ATP synthase)、F型ATP酶(F type ...
Neutrophils form the first line of innate host defense against invading microorganisms. We previously showed that F0F1 ATP synthase (F-ATPase), which is widely known as mitochondrial respiratory chain complex V, is expressed in the plasma membrane of hum
Evolution of the F0F1 ATP synthase complex in light of the patchy distribution of different bioenergetic pathways across pro- karyotes. Plos Computational Biology 10.Koumandou, V.L., and Kossida, S. 2014. Evolution of the F0F1 ATP synthase complex in light of the patchy distribution of ...
We investigate the Na + -translocating ATP synthase of Propionigenium modestum specifically labeled by a single fluorophore at one c subunit using polarization-resolved confocal microscopy. Rotation during ATP synthesis was observed with the immobilized enzyme reconstituted into proteoliposomes after ...
ATP合成酶 1. One of which was shown to encode sequences for rice chloroplast ATP synthase. 其序列经国际联网BLAST查询表明编号为 GA2 1C的为水稻叶绿体 ATP合成酶基因片段。 2. ATP synthase is one of the most sophisticated biological molecular motors. ATP合成酶是最精妙的生物分子马达之一,有关它...