F-35战斗机起源自美国联合攻击战斗机(Joint Strike Fighter JSF)计划,该计划是20世纪最后一个重大的军用飞机研制和采购项目,亦为全世界进行中的最庞大战斗机研发计划,设计目的是为了替代美国空军、美国海军、美国海军陆战队以及英国皇家海军的F-16、F/A-18C/D、AV-8等各种军机。挪威空军F-35A战斗机在高速公路...
F-35 与前辈F-16“战隼”类似,F-35“闪电”Ⅱ是美军在90年代末期应空军、海军、海军陆战队要求提出的“联合打击战斗机”(Joint Strike Fighter,简称 JSF)计划的第五代隐身战斗机。该计划于1996年开始招标,麦道、诺斯罗普·格鲁曼、洛克希德·马丁、波音公司分别提出了方案参与竞标。经过初级评估后,美军方决定由波音...
2015年2月9日,F-35在英国皇家空军服役;2015年6月28日,日本第一架F-35开始生产。 F-35起源自美国联合攻击战斗机(JSF,Joint Strike Fighter)计划,该计划是20世纪最后一个重大的军用飞机研制和采购项目,亦为全世界进行中的最庞大战斗机研发计划。 设计目的是为了替代美国空军、美国海军、美国海军陆战队以及英国皇家...
F-35匿踪战斗机,由全球最大的武器制造商洛克希德马丁(Lockheed Martin)公司,联手诺格(Northrop Grumman Corp)、普惠公司(Pratt & Whitney)和英国航太系统(BAE Systems)三间民营武器制造商,再加上以美国为首的11国联盟共同出资,以联合攻击战斗机计划(Joint Strike Fighter program)的名义完成。F-35战机主...
The F-35 A Joint Strike Fighter is in service with a number of air forces around the world. The model depicted is in service with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Native Models rigged and animated.Two versions have been included. One with landing gear up and the other with landing ...
Joint Strike Fighter pilots in the Florida panhandle have begun working with an air battle management training squadron nearby to expand the instructional opportunities available to both sides, and the battle management unit has suffered somewhat less from budget constraints as a result. Air Force F-...
据芬兰媒体初步报道,F-35A隐形战机似乎已经赢得了芬兰备受期待的新型多用途战斗机的投标。虽然芬兰国防部尚未对此发表评论,但有关这项价值约120亿美元的竞赛的官方决定将在今年年底之前做出。已有迹象表明,瑞士今年早些时候选定的联合攻击战斗机(Joint Strike Fighter)将再次取得胜利。芬兰报纸《Iltalehti》昨天报道称,...
What will seem ordinary and routine to the pilot will actually be a “monumental achievement” for the multinational F-35 programme, which has been building to this moment since Lockheed Martin won the Joint Strike Fighter contract in 2001. ...
The Japanese Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) said on Tuesday it lost contact with an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter about 85 miles off the coast of northern Japan. There are no indications of what happened to the fighter jet. Launched from Misawa Air Base in the northern part of Japan’s main...