1996年5月,美国国防部正式提出联合打击战斗机计划(Joint Strike Fighter Program)这一计划要求设计制造一款符合美国海、空和陆战队通用要求,可节约高达三分之一的维修费用的新型通用战斗机。 JSF共有三种型号:空军常规布局型、海军舰载型和海军陆战队垂直/短距起降型...
【军视库】F-35“闪电Ⅱ”成功的秘密 1996年5月,美国国防部正式提出联合打击战斗机计划(Joint Strike Fighter Program)这一计划要求设计制造一款符合美国海、空和陆战队通用要求,可节约高达三分之一的维修费用的新型通用战斗机。 JSF共有三种型号:空军常规布局型、海军舰载型和海军陆战队垂直/短距起降型。这三种飞...
national security in the early 21st century.Bolkcom, CCongressional Research ServiceBolkcom, C. (2007). F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program: Background, status, and issues. CRS Report for Congress.
Aircraft Company Ltd The Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program came into being in 1996 as a result of the amalgamation of the Common Affordable Lightweight Fighter (CALF) and Joint Advanced Strike Technology (JAST) Programs. The aim of the JSF Program was to develop one aircraft to fulfil the ...
F-35起源自美国联合攻击战斗机(Joint Strike Fighter JSF)计划,该计划是20世纪最后一个重大的军用飞机研制和采购项目,亦为全世界进行中的最庞大战斗机研发计划,设计目的是为了替代美国空军、美国海军、美国海军陆战队以及英国皇家海军的F-16、F/A-18C/D、AV-8等各种军机。计划被定位为低成本的武器系统,这是因为现...
The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), also called the Lighting II, is a new strike fighter being procured in different versions by the Air Force, Marine Corps, and Navy. The F-35 program is the Department of Defense's (DOD's) largest weapon procurement program in terms of total estimate...
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program: Background and Issues for Congress Summary The largest procurement program in the Department of Defense (DOD), the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), also called the Lightning II, is a new aircraft being procured in different versions for the United ...
2020年3月31日,美国国会研究办公室(CRS)发布了F-35项目综合评估最新成果《F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program》,指出第13批次F-35A的重复性飞离价格(RecurringFlyawayCost,RFC)将降至8000万美元以下。从第11批次到14批次,F-35A/B/C三型机的重复性飞离价格预计平均降低12.7%。曾经饱受诟病的F-35战斗...
Teal Group Corp.’s Senior Analyst Dr. David L. Rockwell has updated all F-35 JSF (Joint Strike Fighter) sensor programs in Teal’sMilitary Electronics Briefing, including detailed analysis based on the most recent DoD sources and documents: January 2022...
它曾是F-35竞争对手 有人称其因“太丑”被淘汰 真实情况却是这样 在帕塔克森特河海军航空博物馆展出的X-32B X-32验证机由波音公司设计,是联合打击战斗机计划(Joint Strike Fighter Program,JSF)的竞标机型,共生产2架原型机。在2001年10月26日,美国国防部宣布JSG计划由洛克希德·马丁公司的X-35夺标后, X-...