the focus on supersonic performance, area rule is applied extensively to the airplane's shape and nearly all of the fuselage volume lies ahead of the wing's trailing edge to reduce drag at supersonic speeds, with the stabilators pivoting from tail booms extending aft of the engine nozzles....
图片题注:Thrust vectoring nozzles of Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, USAF 90th Fighter Squadron, registration 05-4090, static display at Slovac International Air Fest 2022 at Malacky Air Base, August 2022参考译文:洛克希德·马丁 F-22 猛禽战机的推力矢量喷嘴,美国空军第 90 战斗机中队,注册号 05-4090...
The F-22 design will incorporate the latest advances in flight control technology including fiber optics, digital computers, and integrated propulsion controls for exceptional stability and handling. The operation of the two-dimensional thrust vectoring engine nozzles will be transparent to the pilot. T...
The view from the back certainly looks pretty weird, the engine nozzles look like nothing else on earth and the horizontal stabilizers look as if they're canted at strange angles, but in fact they're level, and it's just their strange angular shape which makes them look as if they're...
Boeing is responsible for the wings, aft fuselage (including the structures necessary for engine and nozzle installation), avionics integration and tests, radar development, the training system, flight-test development and management, the fire-protection system and the life-support system. The F-22 ...
The use of thrust vectoring nozzles to augment the aerodynamic pitch control power of the aircraft was incorporated into the control laws and the high angle of attack control laws were also added to the basic structure. For flight test purposes, a switch was provided in the cockpit to engage...
When fuel injection nozzlesare tested, test fluids travel through the orifices ofthe nozzle tip with high pressure. Under thisamount of pressure, the test fluid can pierce theskin and cause serious injury to the operator. Al-ways keep the tip of the fuel injection nozzle...
All nozzles must produce a fuel spray that meets the requirements of the performance and emissions goals of the market for which the engine is produced regardless of details of the fuel system design (i.e., regardless if the fuel system is of the c...
Engine builder:Pratt & Whitney (East Hartford,Connecticut) Power plant:Two Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 turbofan engines with afterburners and two-dimensional thrust-vectoring nozzles. Each engine is in the 35,000-lb-thrust class. Length:62 ft. 1 in. ...
The two-dimensional engine nozzles of the YF-22A can be vectored 20 degrees up or down at any power setting. Vectored thrust is most effective at high engine power and is most useful at each end of the speed range. Continuous vectored thrust can also be used for high-speed turns (e. ...