The Jaguar F-TYPE is a true luxury sports car. Experience the latest in the distinguished bloodline with superior performance and innovative car technology.
The Jaguar F-TYPE is a true luxury sports car. Experience the latest in this distinguished bloodline, with superior performance and innovative technology.
Dynamic technologies underpin the Jaguar F‑TYPE agile driving experience. All Wheel Drive delivers confident handling on the road. Electronic Active Differential with Torque Vectoring by Braking delivers agility and capability through the corners. Configurable and Adaptive Dynamics will optimize your drivi...
Jaguar F-Type 2.0i R-Dynamic 汽车神评论biubiu 年度汽车随拍(照片)~稀有捷豹F-type,奔驰AMG GT,兰博基尼Urus黑武士有错请积极指正, 你好汽车菌 捷豹F-Type:速度与颜值并存的选择 DC侃车 无可挑剔的声音 | 捷豹 F-TYPE V8 牛牛说车 2024款捷豹F-TYPE,车迷心中不可缺失,那一份燃油魅力,英伦=优雅or...
得以展现出零百加速3.5秒、极速299km/h的高性能水准。与此同时,75 周年特别款还通过悬挂结构强化、EPAS电子动力辅助转向、EAD后轴电子限滑差速器等操控利器加持,进一步营造出玩心盎然的驾驶乐趣。首批Jaguar F-Type75 周年特别款预计将于2023年1月开始交车,据悉Jaguar Land Rover Taiwan也有意将其导入国内。
Jaguar F-Type R 5.0 V8 S/C 450PS Coupe This Jaguar F-Type R-Dynamic Coupe boasts an impressive 5.0-litre V8 engine combining easy driving with the thrill of a luxury sports car.
The Jaguar F-TYPE is a true luxury sports car. Experience the latest in this distinguished bloodline, with superior performance and innovative technology.