The scripted glovebox button and the embossed Jaguar leaper on the Windsor leather performance seats are subtle nods to the Jaguar F‑TYPE heritage. AMBIENT LIGHTING Configurable cabin lighting provides an additional touch of personalization through a choice of five colors. Standard on F-TYPE 75 ...
The Jaguar F-TYPE is a true luxury sports car. Experience the latest in this distinguished bloodline, with superior performance and innovative technology.
The Jaguar F-TYPE is a true luxury sports car. Experience the latest in the distinguished bloodline with superior performance and innovative car technology.
The Jaguar F-TYPE is a true luxury sports car. Experience the latest in this distinguished bloodline, with superior performance and innovative technology.
Use the configurator to design your perfect Jaguar F‑TYPE Request a call back Request a call back by submitting this form BOOK A TEST DRIVE Arrange a test drive through your local Jaguar Retailer FIND A RETAILER Search for a Jaguar Retailer near you ...
捷豹公司已经停止生产F-Type跑车,而眼前这辆是最后一辆下线的F-Type。相信很多私人收藏家会很高兴为这款车支付高昂的价格,但这辆车不会被私人收藏,而是由捷豹戴姆勒遗产信托机构(Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust)收藏,并放入捷豹官方的遗产收藏系列中。这辆最终的F-Type跑车是一款V8敞篷车,车身颜色为Giola Green...
试驾| 美“豹”出击 ——全新捷豹F-Type (Jaguar F-Type) 作为捷豹旗下新英伦至美跑车,全新捷豹F-Type在承袭了捷豹品牌赛道基因的同时,为驾驶者带来了更多的驾驭激情,再现了经典英伦双座跑车的精髓。 文、摄影:施毓麟 提起捷豹汽车,大家第一时间想到的应该是优雅的英伦绅士,复古豪华的内饰。殊不知捷豹自1935年...