1. 在Levene's Test for Equality of Variances一栏中 F值为2.36, Sig.为.128,表示方差齐性检验「没有显著差异」,即两方差齐(Equal Variances),故下面t检验的结果表中要看第一排的数据,亦即方差齐的情况下的t检验的结果。 2. 在t-test for Equality of Means中,第...
3. 到底看哪个Levene's Test for Equality of Variances一栏中sig,还是看t-test for Equality of Means中那个Sig. (2-tailed)啊? 答案是:两个都要看。 先看Levene's Test for Equality of Variances,如果方差齐性检验「没有显著差异」,即两方差齐(Equal Variances),故接著的t检验的结果表中要看第一排的...
The F.TEST function returns the result of an F.TEST for two given arrays or ranges, which is the two-tailed probability that the variances in the two supplied arrays are not significantly different. Note:The F.TEST function was introduced in Excel 2010. So, it is not available in earlier...
• 配对样本均数t检验简称配对t检验(paired t test),又称非独立两样本均数t检验,适用于配对设计计量资料均数的比较,其比较目的是检验两相关样本均数所代表的未知总体均数是否有差别。 • 配对设计(paired design)是将受试对象按某些重要特征相近的原则配成对子,每对中的两个个体随机地给予两种处理。 • 应用配...
3到底看哪个Levene's Test for Equality of Variances一栏中sig,还是看t-test for Equality of Means中那个Sig. (2-tailed)啊? 答案是:两个都要看。先看Levene's Test for Equality of Variances,如果方差齐性检验「没有显著差异」,即两方...
到底看哪个Levene's Test for Equality of Variances一栏中sig,还是看t-test for Equality of Means中那个Sig. (2-tailed)啊? 19楼互动空间 o0o x L9J y p(c y 答案是:两个都要看。 ] ~ q+l'K _*\(s0先看Levene's Test for Equality of Variances,如果方差齐性检验「没有显著差异」,即两方差齐...
所以,SPSS在进行t-test for Equality of Means的同时,也要做Levene's Test for Equality of Variances 。 1. 在Levene's Test for Equality of Variances一栏中 F值为2.36, Sig.为.128,表示方差齐性检验没有显著差异,即两方差齐(Equal Variances),故下面t检验的结果表中要看第一排的数据,亦即方差齐的情况...
Returns the (right-tailed) F probability distribution (degree of diversity) for two data sets. You can use this function to determine whether two data sets have different degrees of diversity. For example, you can examine the test scores of men and women entering high school and determine if...
Hypotheses 2) and 3) are calledone-tailed tests Formula of F-test The test statistic can be obtained by computing the ratio of the two variancesand. The degrees of freedom are(for the numerator) and(for the denominator). Note that, the more this ratio deviates from 1, the stronger the...