dxf2code add-on to generate Python code for DXF structures loaded from DXF documents as starting point for parametric DXF entity creation Plot Style Files (CTB/STB) read/write add-on 4. 示例 import ezdxf # Create a new DXF document. doc = ezdxf.new(dxfversion='R2010') # Create new ta...
msp.add_entity(line)将直线对象添加到模型空间 在这个示例中,我们首先通过`doc.modelspace()`方法获取模型空间实体,然后定义起始点和结束点的坐标,并使用`Line`类创建一个直线对象。最后,通过`add_entity()`方法将直线对象添加到模型空间。 保存DXF文件 当我们完成对图形的编辑后,需要将DXF文档对象保存到本地磁盘...
add_argument("-i", "--input", required=True, help="path to input dxf file") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) file = args["input"] doc = ezdxf.readfile(file) msp = doc.modelspace() for flag_ref in msp.query('INSERT'): for entity in flag_ref.virtual_entities(): if entity.dxf...
set_placement((0, 0.2), align=TextEntityAlignment.CENTER) # Save the DXF document. doc.saveas("test.dxf") Example for the r12writer, which writes a simple DXF R12 file without in-memory structures: from random import random from ezdxf.addons import r12writer MAX_X_COORD = 1000 MAX_Y...
entity.color = ezdxf.rgb2int(255, 0, 0) #将颜色修改为红色 在这段代码中,我们遍历了DXF文件中的所有实体,如果实体的类型是直线(`LINE`),就将其颜色属性修改为红色。 第七步:创建新的DXF文件 除了读取和修改现有的DXF文件外,ezdxf库还可以创建新的DXF文件。以下是一个示例,演示如何创建一个包含一条直线...
enums import TextEntityAlignment doc = ezdxf.new("R12", setup=True) msp = doc.modelspace() msp.add_text("A Simple Text").set_placement( (2, 3), align=TextEntityAlignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT ) # Using a predefined text style: msp.add_text( "Text Style Example: Liberation Serif", height=...
ax.add_patch(circle) elif entity.dxftype() == 'TEXT': insertion_point = entity.dxf.insert text = entity.dxf.text ax.text(insertion_point[0], insertion_point[1], text, fontsize=8) elif entity.dxftype() == 'SOLID': vtx0 = entity.dxf.vtx0 ...
2、源码: # encoding: utf-8 # author: walker # date: 2014-05-15 # summary: 更改图片尺寸大...
print('Entity Location:', entity.dxf.location) 4.编辑DXF文件 除了读取DXF文件外,ezdxf库还提供了编辑DXF文件的功能。可以使用文档对象的add_polyline方法在DXF文件中添加一个多段线实体: python polyline = doc.add_polyline2d([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0)]) 可以使用实体的属性和方法来修改实体的属性...
hpgl2 add-on for converting HPGL/2 plot files to DXF, SVG and PDFA simple example:import ezdxf from ezdxf import colors from ezdxf.enums import TextEntityAlignment # Create a new DXF document. doc = ezdxf.new(dxfversion="R2010") # Create new table entries (layers, linetypes, text styl...