感谢大卫·布斯: 如果IMAGEDEF中的文件名包含完整路径(在AutoCAD中是绝对的),那么它将在加载时显示,否则在使用XREF管理器手动重新加载之前它不会显示(报告不可读)。 解决方法(在加载时显示图像)似乎是将完整的文件路径保存在DXF中,或者将其保存为DWG。 到目前为止,还没有在加载时显示具有相对路径的图像的解决方案。
add-ons dxf internals developer guides glossary indices and tables author copyrightjammy (1) ezdxf.1.gz Provided by: python3-ezdxf_0.14.2-3_all NAME ezdxf - ezdxf Documentation [image] Welcome! This is the documentation for ezdxf release 0.14.2, last updated Nov 27, 2020. • ezdxf is...
def create_dxf_file(): doc = ezdxf.new(dxfversion='R2010') # 创建一个DXF文档 msp = doc.modelspace() # 获取模型空间 # 添加一个线段 start_point = (0, 0) end_point = (10, 10) msp.add_line(start_point, end_point) # 添加一个圆 center = (5, 5) radius = 2 msp.add_circle(...
Below is the script that I ran to output an image file. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import ezdxf from ezdxf.addons.drawing import RenderContext, Frontend from ezdxf.addons.drawing.matplotlib_backend import MatplotlibBackend def dxf2png(path_to_dxf='', path_to_output_png=''): doc = ez...