Through this diverse range of activities, the K3 class in Madagascar gained a rich understanding of machines and their impact on our world. They developed valuable skills in observation, experimentation, problem-solving, and collaboration, laying a strong foundation for future learning in science and...
This book ties into lots of knowledge and understanding of the world activities. Observe what happens when air is blown into or released from a balloon, rub it on your hair to learn about static electricity or find out what happens to balloons when they’re filled with water or sand. Most...
In the teaching activities of Chiway Repton Kindergarten Xiamen, UOI (Unit of Inquiry) inquiry activities have become a core component. We encourage children to better understand the world through questioning, inquiry, action and reflection around a different transdisciplinary theme in each inquiry unit...
recognizing what humanity has in common and working together to protect the planet - helping to create a better and more peaceful world. Chiway Repton Kindergarten's first interdisciplinary exploration theme unit this school year - To the rescue, will give the children in K3 class the opportunity...
fitness and wellbeing. We plan our whole setting workshops and preschool trips to meet the physical needs of our children. Many of these are local and entail our children to walk to and from them which also supports the knowledge of the world around them. Every child is different but all ...
Happy VE Day everybody! I hope you all have a lovely bank holiday and get to enjoy some of the sunshine. What activities are you getting up to today and over the weekend to celebrate VE day? 75 years on from the ending of the 2nd World War.. Wowee!
Through this diverse range of activities, the K3 class in Madagascar gained a rich understanding of machines and their impact on our world. They developed valuable skills in observation, experimentation, problem-solving, and collaboration, laying a strong foundation for future learning in science a...