EYFS中的孩子們通過玩耍和探索來積極學習,並通過在室內外進行創造性和批判性的思考來學習。 Among the seven fields of eyfs curriculum, "understanding the world" is one of the important courses for children's growth and development. Explore and observe opportunities to learn about people, communities, t...
As children learn about the three Prime Areas, their knowledge and skills can be improved, and they begin to learn about the four specific areas. Teachers plan and design children's learning and activities according to the content of the seven areas, and ensure that these activities are suitabl...
how families foster a sense of belonging within the child and how it helps them to grow. Through different learning activities, the children’s curiosity was peaked, and they were encouraged to think about the people and things which are important in their lives, for example, their parents, g...
A wealth of free and paid for Early Years and Philosophy for Children resources from planning and assessment to pure skills, phonics, topic webs, enf of ye...
Facilities inside the nursery are extensive; there is a well stocked library and a huge play room with small-world play equipment, dress costumes and more. In addition, there is also a music room with ballet beam, mirrors and a piano. The team pride themselves in a space which is well ...
Our Kindergarten is based on international standards to give children a dual language environment. We create opportunities for children to understand and learn about the world. Native English speaking teachers implement our EY...
彼一米深入挖掘并汇集全球优质早期教育资源,参照“国家卫生健康委”颁布的《3岁以下婴幼儿照护服务机构保育教育指导纲要》,同时结合国家早期教育指南,遵循英国早期教育纲要 EYFS(Early Years Foundation System)“以父母最好的选择、给幼儿最好的开始”的宗旨和教育理念,联合国际专家团队、世界级幼儿专业教研团队精心筛选,...
Christmas Class Activities Winter Mother's Day Reception Our Curriculum Class Newsletters Supporting your child Music Workshop Harvest Time Heaton Park Christmas World Book Day Spring Explorers Healthy Eating Year 1 Year 2 Information for parents ...
Do you like animals? 你知道动物都有哪些吗? Do you know what animals are? 你知道它们都生活在哪里吗? Do you know where they all live? First acquaintance — 儿童视角之初识 — 老师, 我知道马儿和小鸡都是生活在陆地上;...
桑庐幼儿园采用英国EYFS教育体系,这个体系的四大基本原则是:独特的孩子+积极的关系+有利的环境=学习和发展。 Sanglu kindergarten adopts EYFS education system in Britain. The four basic principles of this system are: unique children + positive relationship + favorable environment = learning and development. ...