比如,独一无二儿童(A Unique Child)包含儿童发展(Child development)、自我管理(Self-regulation)、终身学习之有效学习特征(Learners for life: Characteristics of Effective Learning)和实践包容性与平等性(Inclusive practice and equalities)四个内容,分别解读EYFS框架相关内容。其他原则详细内容见下图。 3 最后,兮兮想...
联盟认为,有效学习特征要强调儿童在创造过程中至关重要的思考技能(place a stronger emphasis on the thinking skills that are central to the creative process)。 这是因为“有效学习特征”并没有‘教学’这个词,不是针对成人,而是指儿童的行为和倾向(The “Characteristics of Effective Learning” does not includ...
Basically, CoEL is anacronym for Characteristics of Effective Learningand is a key element of EYFS development. It details the ways children should learn from their environment, their experiences, and their activities. All children up to 5-years-old should display characteristics of effective learnin...
The report also advised that while there was little evidence that EYFS should be changed, greater prominence should be given to characteristics of effective teaching and learning - which include playing and exploring, active learning and creating, and thinking critically - to help all children, inclu...
比如,独一无二儿童(A Unique Child)包含儿童发展(Child development)、自我管理(Self-regulation)、终身学习之有效学习特征(Learners for life: Characteristics of Effective Learning)和实践包容性与平等性(Inclusive practice and equalities)四个内容,分别解读EYFS框架相关内容。其他原则详细内容见下图。