四、有效学习特征 儿童的有效学习特征(Characteristics of Effcective Learning,CoEL)涵盖三个方面: 1. 游戏与探索:幼儿通过游戏进行探索和体验,并勇于尝试。 2. 主动学习:幼儿在遇到困难时能集中精力,不断尝试,享受成就。 3. 创造力与批判性思维:幼儿拥有并能发展自己的想法,在想法之间建立联系,并制定做事策略。
上方提到的EYFS七大学习与发展领域,回答的是"What to learn"的问题;而有效学习特征,回答的就是"How to learn"的问题。 儿童的有效学习特征(Characteristics of Effcective Learning,CoEL)涵盖三个方面:包括游戏与探索,主动学习和创造力与批判性思维。 ①玩耍和...
比如,独一无二儿童(A Unique Child)包含儿童发展(Child development)、自我管理(Self-regulation)、终身学习之有效学习特征(Learners for life: Characteristics of Effective Learning)和实践包容性与平等性(Inclusive practice and equalities)四个内容,分别解读EYFS框架相关内容。其他原则详细内容见下图。 3 最后,兮兮想...
上方提到的EYFS七大学习与发展领域,回答的是"What to learn"的问题;而有效学习特征,回答的就是"How to learn"的问题。 儿童的有效学习特征(Characteristics of Effcective Learning,CoEL)涵盖三个方面:包括游戏与探索,主动学习和创造力与批判性思维。 ① 玩耍和探索 幼儿通过游戏进行探索和体验,并勇于尝试。 ② 主...
比如,独一无二儿童(A Unique Child)包含儿童发展(Child development)、自我管理(Self-regulation)、终身学习之有效学习特征(Learners for life: Characteristics of Effective Learning)和实践包容性与平等性(Inclusive practice and equalities)四个内容,分别解读EYFS框架相关内容。其他原则详细内容见下图。
Basically, CoEL is an acronym for Characteristics of Effective Learning and is a key element of EYFS development. It details the ways children should learn
The K2 class embarked on a fascinating journey, exploring their community. With the central idea that “a community is formed and maintained by people who share commonalities in living space, characteristics, and/or interests,” the children engaged in a rich and multifaceted inquiry. ...
“World Cultural Space,” learned the names and characteristics of each area, and delved into the unique toys and cultural connections associated with each space. Furthermore, we took the opportunity to visit other classes and discover the various learning spaces offered in this year’s “...
Alongside this, I really wanted to focus on developing children’s critical thinking; one of the less discussed characteristics of effective learning in my experience. So I developed a project. EYFS stories for STEAM I started withThe Rainbow Fish. It’s a classic text in early years, but it...
Effective continuous provision should provide children with the opportunity to demonstrate the characteristics of effective teaching and learning identified by the EYFS. For example, in the construction area, children may independently investigate how high they can build a tower by using wooden blocks. ...