什么是眼图(Eye Diagram)? 眼图是一种用于评估数字通信系统中信号完整性的工具。它通过将多个比特周期的波形叠加在一起,形成一个类似于眼睛的图案,从而直观地展示信号的时域特性。眼图的形状、宽度、高度和闭合度等指标,可以反映信号的失真程度、抖动情况、定时误差以及噪声干扰等信息。 MATLAB中eyediagram函数的作用 在...
eyediagram是Matlab中用来绘制眼图的函数。眼图是用来观察数字信号在接收端的信号质量以及其中包含的噪声和失真情况的重要工具。眼图通过将数字信号分成若干窗口进行显示,可以直观地观察到信号的抖动和时钟偏移情况,对于分析和诊断信号的传输质量非常有帮助。 二、语法 在Matlab中使用eyediagram函数可以按照以下语法进行调用: ...
以下是eyediagram函数的基本语法: matlab复制代码 eyediagram(x, y,'LineSpec') 其中: x和y是两个向量,分别表示 x 轴和 y 轴的数据。 'LineSpec'是一个可选参数,用于指定线条的颜色、线型和宽度。 例如,以下代码将绘制一个简单的交互式图形: matlab复制代码 x = [12345]; y = [1491625]; eyediagram(x...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 I have attached the image in which i don't need whole plot but only the signal areas. x = load (['frame_snr30256QAM'num2str(i)'.mat']); sps = 8; eyediagram(abs(x.frame),sps) %set(get(gcf, 'Children'), 'Visible', 'off') ...
eyediagram(rxSig(sps*span+1:sps*span+1000),2*sps) Observe that the received eye diagram begins to close due to the presence of AWGN. Moreover, the filter has finite length which also contributes to the non-ideal behavior. See Also
Display 1000 points of the received signal eye diagram. eyediagram(rxSig(sps*span+1:sps*span+1000),2*sps) Observe that the received eye diagram begins to close due to the presence of AWGN. Moreover, the filter has finite length which also contributes to the non-ideal behavior....
The eyeDiagramSI System object™ creates an eye diagram object by accumulating a 2-D histogram from time-domain eye diagram data. The object makes it easier to create large data sets and perform metric calculations. To create the eye diagram object: Create the eyeDiagramSI object and set it...
lin = eyeLinearity(obj) measures the eye linearity from the eye diagram object obj. lin = eyeLinearity(obj,time) measures the eye linearity from the eye diagram object obj at the time specified by time. lin = eyeLinearity(___,Name=Value) measures the eye linearity from the eye diagram ...
MATLAB Answers File Exchange Cody AI Chat Playground 토론 콘테스트 블로그 더 보기 파일 작성자 내 File Exchange 퍼블리시 정보 EyeMap 버전 (2.3 KB) 작성자: Ruben Luis Displays the eye diagram of a signal as an intensity map, ...
EyeDiagram Better eye diagram generation code in MATLAB. Used a lot in my DPhil Thesis. How much better? A before and after is provided here: Unlike MATLAB's built ineyediagram()function, the more data you provideeyediagram_dense()the prettier it looks, case in point (for a different ...