term fatigue. What is worse is if you drinkalcohollater in the day to wind down. Both habits can end up draining your energy even more and disrupt your sleep. Limit your caffeineintake to one or drinksearly in the day, and limit your alcohol intake to just one drink early in the ...
Then 28 days ago I went gluten-free, and slowly my overall health has moved forward. I still have fatigue but less abdominal problems. Seven days ago I added L-glutamine to my supplement regimen. Each day I notice overall improvements with my bowel health and less bloating. Bowel movements ...
The programming of immune response and metabolic pathways is heavily influenced by the interaction between the human organism and its GM starting from infancy. This bidirectional relationship in early life has a profound impact on health and disease in later life. A very recent paper has proposed t...
“Most commonly, it’s thought that the hormonal changes related to pregnancy are responsible for HG. However, this can also be impacted by life circumstances and stress. In early pregnancy, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), estrogen, and progesterone rise.” She adds that additional theories ...