Method 2 – Use Excel Functions to Extract Data from a Cell In this method, we will use LEFT, RIGHT, and MID functions to extract data from the Student ID column. LEFT Function We will extract the first name of the Student ID column using the LEFT function. Copy the following formula ...
This allows us to isolate the first name in cell B2. Also read:How to Merge First and Last Name in Excel Using the TEXTAFTER Function to Extract a First Name We can extract the first name from a full name using the TEXTAFTER Function if we have a dataset where the last name is firs... Reply Suresh_Excelist Dec 23, 2024 at 2:20 AM I know this is a few years old but I thought I’d give it a try: With the First Date in Cell A1, Condition in Cell B1 and formula in Cell C1. Formula in C1: ...
Extract middle name/first name/last name with Kutools for ExcelExtract middle name with formula in Excel I find a formula that can extract the middle name only in Excel. Select a blank cell next to the name list, and type this formula =IF(ISERR(FIND(" ",A1,1+FIND(" ",A1))),"",...
Filename: the filename you want to extract the extension. How this formula work To extract the extension of filename in cell B3, please use the formula:=REPLACE(RIGHT(B3,5),1,SEARCH(".",RIGHT(B3,5)),"") Press Enter key to the cell extract the extension. Explanation...
Extract first line in Excel cell Get first line of text in Excel 365 Pull first line from cell using RegEx Copy first lines to another sheet with VBA How to extract the first line in Excel cell with formula Formulas in Excel are the backbone of data manipulation. When it comes to extrac...
A1: Name cell B1: Birth year cell StartYear: Start year of the range EndYear: End year of the range These formulas check if the birth year in cell B1 falls within the specified range of birth years (inclusive). If it does, it copies the name from cell A1 to the current cell (C1...
To output all matches into one cell, nest the RegExpExtract function in TEXTJOIN like this: =TEXTJOIN("", TRUE, RegExpExtract(A5, "[^\d]+")) Regex to extract email address from string To pull out an email address from a string containing a lot of different information, write a regula...
Step 1: Firstly,select all the datain the first column and hit the keysCTRL + Ctocopyall the data. Step 2: Nowclick on the first cellof the column where you want the last names to be extracted to. Step 3: As next, hit the keysCTRL + Vat the same time topasteall the copied dat...
In case there is a space character after the last name, doing the above Find and Replace operation would remove everything from the cell. To make sure there are no trailing spaces, you can use the TRIM formula (read – how to remove trailing spaces in Excel)...