建一张表,两个字段类型分别是float和numeric,然后插入数据,如下: zjh@postgres=>create table t1(c1 float,c2 numeric); CREATE TABLEzjh@postgres=>insert into t1 values(0.55555555555555555,0.55555555555555555); INSERT 0 1 1. 2. 3. 接下来我们去查询,你就会发现查出来的数据竟然和我们插入的不一样了! zjh...
在lt_dump时加上 --extra-float-digits选项,用来控制导出的数据中float的精度,例如: lt_dump -d postgres -t ttest --inserts --extra-float-digits -12 -f ttest_1219.txt --Data for Name: t5; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: bill--INSERTINTOpublic.t5VALUES(1.23);INSERTINTOpublic.t5...
数据库中一个核心的功能就是数据的访问, 数据的访问与计算单元越近越好,而CPU中的缓存的价格是昂贵...
I see this has been discussed before (#205) so I won't belabor the point. I'm just surprised the driver needs to hard code this when it's trivial to configure in at least two other places, the DSN and postgresl.conf. Also, I'm guessing what pgJDBC is doing isn't entirely usual...
postgres ports: - "5050:80" networks: app_net: ipv4_address: "" pgbouncer: container_name: pgbouncer_container image: bitnami/pgbouncer restart: unless-stopped environment: - PGBOUNCER_AUTH_USER=postgres - PGBOUNCER_MAX_CLIENT_CONN=100 - PGBOUNCER_POOL_MODE=session - PGBOUNCER_PORT=64...
Bug reference: 15759 Logged by: anup singh Email address: midas.anup@gmail.com PostgreSQL version: 10.7 Operating system: linux Description: Lot of idle connection created by "SET extra_float_digits = 3" which is killing our applicaiton. ...