而要控制float类型的精度便是需要通过extra_float_digits参数了。 extra_float_digits取值范围为-15~3,默认是0。等于0时float4精确到6位数字,float8精确到15位数字。增大该值则会增加精确的位数,减小则会降低精度,例如设置该值为3,则float4精确到9位数字。 –float4类型: zjh@postgres=>do zjh-# $$ zjh$#...
lightdb中extra_float_digits参数可以用来控制浮点数输出的精度,其采用原生c语言的float4/float8实现,可能我们在平时使用中并不太会留意,但是显示的时候会有一些问题。 建一张表,两个字段类型分别是float和numeric,然后插入数据,如下: zjh@postgres=>createtablet1(c1float,c2 numeric);CREATETABLEzjh@postgres=>insert...
而CPU中的缓存的价格是昂贵的,并且也是稀少的,这就需要有CPU的 1 2 3 级别的缓存,CPU有一大部...
pq: unsupported startup parameter: extra_float_digits sikalabs/slu#129 Open trewallier mentioned this issue Mar 22, 2023 Update concepts-pgbouncer.md MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs#106983 Merged pateljoel commented Apr 28, 2023 I'm using a managed postgres service that doesn't allow me to ...
Name and Version bitnami/pgbouncer What architecture are you using? amd64 What steps will reproduce the bug? Unable to connect to the 'postgres' database using bitnami/pgbouncer. FATAL: unsupported startup parameter: extra_float_digits W...
Re: BUG #15759: Lot of idle connection created by "SET extra_float_digits = 3" From anup singh Date: 16 April 2019, 15:01:42 Hi Tomas, Thanks for your response. Kindly see the below screen shot where we have lot of idle connection which is reaching max pool size soon, but the ac...