UnoCSS version 0.57.6 Describe the bug Hi all, VS-Code autocomplete does not work unless file-association is set to 'html'. There have been a few similar reports, (#2974, Discord#unocss) and the issue still persists, so I just wanted to ...
dtsvet.vscode-wasm eamodio.gitlens earshinov.permute-lines ecmel.vscode-html-css EditorConfig.EditorConfig EFanZh.graphviz-preview eg2.vscode-npm-script eriklynd.json-tools esbenp.prettier-vscode everettjf.filter-line faustinoaq.lex-flex-yacc-bison fcrespo82.markdown-table-formatter florianloch.te...
Enable vscode test in Test Explorer (#15464) Apr 3, 2024 .vscodeignore esbuild for main bundle (#14599) Nov 1, 2023 Fixes from release (#14720) Nov 15, 2023 Legal stuff to make CELA happy (#5) ...
Embedded languages are common in web development. For example, CSS/JavaScript inside HTML, and GraphQL inside JavaScript/TypeScript. The Embedded languages topic discusses how you can make language features available to embedded languages.Was this documentation helpful?Yes , this page was helpfulNo ,...
Create a Webview to display a custom webpage built with HTML/CSS/JS -Webview Guide Support a new programming language -Language Extensions Overview Support debugging a specific runtime -Debugger Extension Guide If you'd like to have a more comprehensive overview of the Extension API, refer to...
You can change CSS in the.cssor.htmlsource file, save the change, and then reload the webpage in theEdge DevTools: Browsertab, which also updates theEdge DevToolstab. HTML You can edit the DOM tree in theEdge DevToolstab (such as changing<h2>Success!</h2>to<h2>CSS Success!</h2>),...
CSSThrough CSS mirror editing, you can change CSS in the Edge DevTools tab, and it automatically changes in the .html or .css source file, as well as being reflected in the Edge DevTools: Browser tab. DevTools lets you decide whether to save the change, allowing you to experiment....
Once a DSP is created, it can be consumed in VSCode to access documentation, design tokens and code snippets without leaving Visual Studio Code. In this guide, learn how to consume the DSP in Visual Studio Code, and start using the design system inline with auto-complete suggestions while wr...
.github .vscode build cli docs extensions i18n resources samples scripts src test .editorconfig .eslintignore .eslintrc.json .eslintrc.sql.ts.json .git-blame-ignore .gitattributes .gitignore .lsifrc.json .mention-bot .nvmrc .yarnrc ...
主题使用 LESS 编写,需要编译成 CSS 之后使用。 目前没有提供 LESS 的编译脚本,编译由 VSCode 的扩展Easy LESS完成。VSCode 的 Workspace Recommendations (工作区推荐) 中会推荐此插件。 通过插件编译好的样式表文件放在themes目录(通过其他手段编译的请放入此目录),运行publish-theme.ps1可以自动发布到 Typora 主题目...