我经常使用 Visual Studio Code,但从昨天开始,我所有的设备上都显示:You don’t have an extension for debugging HTML。 尝试几次后,我删除了 VSCode 并重新安装了它。它工作正常,但是一旦我关闭 VSCode 并重新打开它,错误就会继续显示。 我注意到当我关闭它时,会出现一个很小的更新框。我已经重新安装了几次,...
Extension for vscode to view a html file in a browser. Usage Use command or context menu in the explorer. Command 1. Open the command list (Press F1 or Ctrl + Shift + P) 2. Select `View In Browser` Keybindings 1. Press Ctrl + F1 Context Menu 上方Open launch.json图标;或者工程目录中直接打开.vscode\launch.json文件,修改相应的工具目录。 修改如下项目: "miDebuggerPath": "${command:vscode-embedded.st.gdb}", ...
Getting Started - Documentation for Visual Studio Code. vscode-edge-devtools repo - source code for the Microsoft Edge Developer Tools extension for Visual Studio Code. Changelog file. Microsoft Edge DevTools extension for Visual Studio Code in the Visual Studio Marketplace.Feed...
想了解更多的VS Code API, 戳这边:https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensionAPI/vscode-api 这次的示例代码在这里可以下载:How to create a simple extension for VS Code 觉得这个例子太简单?这里有更多完整的示例:https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/tools/samples...
打开编译成功的工程,点击菜单Run->Open Configurations;或者点击左侧插件栏Run and Debug(Ctrl+Shift+D)上方Open launch.json图标;或者工程目录中直接打开.vscode\launch.json文件,修改相应的工具目录。 修改如下项目: "miDebuggerPath": "${command:vscode-embedded.st.gdb}", ...
VS Code will load the HTML/CSS entities defined in both files and provide language support such as auto-completion and hover information for those entities. You can find thecustom-data-sampleatmicrosoft/vscode-extension-samples. Was this documentation helpful?
{ "name": "helloworld-web-sample", "displayName": "helloworld-web-sample", "description": "HelloWorld example for VS Code in the browser", "version": "0.0.1", "publisher": "vscode-samples", "repository": "https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-extension-samples/helloworld-web-sample", "...