一般而言,ExpressRoute 位置不需要符合 Azure 區域。 例如,客戶可在「西雅圖」對等互連位置中,建立具有「美國東部」資源位置的 ExpressRoute 線路。如果您至少與地緣政治區域內的一個 ExpressRoute 位置連線,您將有權存取地緣政治區域內所有區域中的 Azure 服務。
Enjoy fast, private cloud connections—including MPLS VPN connections—between Azure and on-premises datacenters with Azure ExpressRoute.
GlobalReachBitsOutPerSecond 交通 BitsPerSecond 平均值 每秒流出 Azure 的位数 PeeredCircuitSKey 是 FastPathRoutesCount Fastpath 计数 最大值 线路上配置的 FastPath 路由计数 无 是 备注 只有在至少建立了一个 Global Reach 连接的情况下,才能使用 GlobalGlobalReachBitsInPerSecond 和GlobalGlobalReachBitsOutPer...
ExpressRoute 线路指标 支持Arp 可用性、BitsInPerSecond、DroppedInBitsPerSecond 等指标。 ExpressRoute 端口指标 支持AdminState、BitsInPerSecond 和 FastPathRoutesCount 等指标。 ExpressRoute 网关指标 支持指标,例如每秒位数、活动流和播发到对等的路由计数。 使用连接监视器监视性能目标。 ExpressRoute 线路、端口...
Site VPN path only if the ExpressRoute circuit fails. To avoid asymmetrical routing, your local network configuration should also prefer the ExpressRoute circuit over the Site-to-Site VPN. You can prefer the ExpressRoute path by setting higher local preference for the routes received the Express...
Azure Express route allows a private connection between an on-premises data center local network and the Microsoft cloud.
Learn more An ExpressRoute virtual network gateway helps to exchange IP routes between your Azure and on-premises networks and to route network traffic. To connect to virtual networks in Azure with ExpressRoute, you'll need to create a virtual network gateway. Learn more Comprehensive...
ExpressRoute Direct Model: Azure Portal Configuration Follow the ExpressRoute Direct peering steps in Azure portal. Configuration: Catalyst 8500 Series Edge Platforms Two Router Deployment vs. One Router Deployment We recommend the deployment of two Catalyst 8500 Series Edge Platforms in a red...
(以上页面由https://portal.azure.cn/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/RegisteredApps页面中选择进入) 二:文中在第5步中添加用户登录和获取Token的部分,需要自己在项目 routes文件夹中添加 auth.js 文件,并输入这一部分中的代码。原文中这一点写的不明确,如果对NodeJS项目不够了解情况下,会遇见...
There’s one place to create Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute circuits, and having fewer individually created ExpressRoute connections reduces the network configuration overhead in modifying network routes and configuring IP subnets. The model can easily be used by vendors, partners, and other third ...