了解如何使用站對站 VPN 閘道,透過 ExpressRoute Microsoft 對等互連線路,設定 IPsec/IKE 與 Azure 的連線。
延展性 公告給對等的路由計數由ExpressRoute 閘道通告至對等的路由計數 ExpressRouteGatewayCountOfRoutesAdvertisedToPeer 計數 最大值 roleInstance, BgpPeerAddress PT5M、PT15M、PT30M、PT1H、PT6H、PT12H、P1D Yes 延展性 從對等學習的路由計數ExpressRoute 閘道從對等學習的路由計數 ExpressRouteGatewayCountOfRout...
ExpressRoute gateway, get the IP addresses of the BGP peers and collect the number of routes advertisedforeach($gwin$GtwList) {$peers=Get-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayBGPPeerStatus-VirtualNetworkGatewayName$gw.Name-ResourceGroupName$rgNameif($peers[0].State-eq'Connected') {$routes1=$null$routes1=...
內部部署防火牆的路由表會確認針對目的地為 Azure 的內部部署流量,偏好的路徑是透過處於穩定狀態的 ExpressRoute。 主控台 複製 user@SEA-SRX42-01> show route table Cust11.inet.0 Cust11.inet.0: 14 destinations, 21 routes (14 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) + = Active Route,...
This document describes the steps required to extend your on-premises network into Microsoft Azure with ExpressRoute using the Cisco Catalyst 8500 Series Edge Platforms Series Routers. To connect to Microsoft Azure services using ExpressRoute, Microsoft provides best practices for network securi...
This document describes the steps required to extend your on-premises network into Microsoft Azure with ExpressRoute using the Cisco Catalyst 8500 Series Edge Platforms Series Routers. To connect to Microsoft Azure services using ExpressRoute, Microsoft provides best practices for network secu...
exchange between them is configured using Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Customers establish connectivity between NVA and virtual hub using static routes, to access services deployed in virtual networks connected to hub, and to reach their on-premises connected to hub through ExpressRoute, until ...
Route Advertisement.Control routes advertised between on-premises and cloud networks. Route Filtering.Implement filtering rules to control route advertisements. Route Preference.Influence path selection using BGP attributes (e.g., Local Preference). ...
The ExpressRoute gateway advertises theAddress Space(s)of the Azure virtual network, you can't include/exclude at the subnet level. It's always the virtual network address space that gets advertised. If virtual network peering is used and the peered virtual network has "Use remote gateway" en...
這些位置是 ExpressRoute 合作夥伴和 ExpressRoute Direct 客戶向 Microsoft 網路發出交叉連線的位置。 一般而言,ExpressRoute 位置不需要符合 Azure 區域。 例如,客戶可在「西雅圖」對等互連位置中,建立具有「美國東部」資源位置的 ExpressRoute 線路。如果您至少與地緣政治區域內的一個 ExpressRoute 位置連線,您將有權...