brick was one of the most ubiquitous materials in New York City for exterior wall and bearing wall construction. As time passed, the trend of exposing the brick became popularized for townhouses, lofts, and apartments, as the brick added character...
“We were approached by the Lin Family to design a 4 bedroom house on a reasonably urban site in Remuera, Auckland. The detailing of the house drew heavily on the homage to the landscape often seen in Asian architecture. The cast in-situ concrete wall in the entry was formed using bamboo...
“We were approached by the Lin Family to design a 4 bedroom house on a reasonably urban site in Remuera, Auckland. The detailing of the house drew heavily on the homage to the landscape often seen in Asian architecture. The cast in-situ concrete wall in the entry was formed using bamboo...
Plumbing isn't going anywhere and unfortunately sometimes, especially in older homes or in big cities where the structures are permanent and made of brick as an example, lots of piping and air conditioning ducts are added on the exterior of our walls. It'd be preferable if they were built ...
Here, is not hard to find have many brick-roofed and slate stone house, because it is so plentiful, wall covered with blocks of natural slate becomes part of a palette of colors, which, together with the brick-roofed and stone walls, and merge as part of the landscape. Although there ...