export ubi/mtd headers from mtd-utils iso fstools $(CP)/usr/include/ $()) ))
/** @file linux/net.h Includes Linux network headers. */ /* Local helper functions for this port */ BACNET_STACK_EXPORT extern int bip_get_local_netmask( struct in_addr *netmask); 18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions 18 ports/linux/dlmstp_linux.h Original file line numberDiff line...
Can I use request.getRequestHeader() in onInterceptRequest to obtain all request headers? Whether the Web component has the listening or callback method when the PDF file fails to be loaded? How do I make audio and video automatically played in Webview? How do I load a link with a...
include$(PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY) TheLOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDESdefinitionhereensuresthatanymodulethat dependsontheprebuiltonewillhaveitsLOCAL_C_INCLUDESautomatically prependedwiththepathtotheprebuilt'sincludedirectory,andwillthus beabletofindheadersinsidethat. ...
I tried all sort of variations without success and could use any advice that can be shared. r = api_.configuration_archive.export_device_configurations(deviceId='xxxxxx', password=p, headers=None, payload=json.dumps(payload), active_validation=True) Thanks in advance. -E I have thi...
action=START HTTP/1.1 请求参数 名称 类型 必填 描述 示例值 project string 是 Project 名称 my-project ossExportName string 是 已存在的唯一任务名称 export-osshdfs-1234567890-123456 返回参数 名称 类型 描述 示例值 headers ... DeleteOSSHDFSExport-删除OSS-HDFS投递任务 请求语法 DELETE/osshdfsexports...
r = get_session().get(path, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, params=params) File "/home/mbuse/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 602, in get return self.request("GET", url, **kwargs) File "/home/mbuse/.local/lib/python...
tag_ KVPDFContext is for internal use only, and so is not defined in the public headers. typedef struct tag_KVPDFContext *KVPDFContext; KeyView (12.5) Page 32 of 172 PDF Export SDK C Programming Guide Chapter 5: PDF Export API Structures KVPDFOptions This structure modifie...
The main work in on function, procedure, package and package body headers and parameters rewrite. PLSQL_PGSQL Enable/disable PLSQL to PLPGSQL conversion. Enabled by default. NULL_EQUAL_EMPTY Ora2Pg can replace all conditions with a test on NULL by a call to the coalesce() function to ...
Android.mk中LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES的作用 NDK中的说明是这样说明的: III. Exporting headers for prebuilt libraries: --- The example above was called ...