export_include_dirs: ["include"], export_shared_lib_headers: [ "android.frameworks.displayservice@1.0", "libgui", "libutils", ], cflags: [ "-Werror", "-Wall", ] } hal层也抽象出Display的单独模块displayservice。代码为在: frameworks/hardware/interfaces/displayservice displayservice的Android.bp...
export_include_dirs: [//将当前的路径导出,如果有其他模块引用当前模块,就不需要指定头文件路径 "include", "include/camera" ], export_shared_lib_headers: ["libcamera_metadata"],//将libcamera_metadata模块对应的头文件路径列表导出 cflags: [//编译flag,类似于Android.mk中的LOCAL_CFLAGS "-Werror", "...
export_include_dirs: [ //从其他模块添加头文件检索路径 “include”, “include/camera” ], export_shared_lib_headers: [“libcamera_metadata”], local_include_dirs: [“aidl”], //如果从当前目录添加路径时使用,将./aidl目录加入头文件的搜索路径 static_libs: [“libupdater”], //指定对库libupda...
export_shared_lib_headers: [ "android.hardware.graphics.allocator@2.0", "android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1", "android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.2", "libhidlbase", "libhidltransport", "libhwbinder", ], } cc_library_headers { ... } filegroup { name: "libsurfaceflinger_sources", srcs...
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES:= libcutils libutils liblog LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Werror include $(BUILD_HOST_STATIC_LIBRARY) endif 原android版tinyalsa是shared_library, host版tinyalsa是static_library, 用androidmk命令转换成bp文件后内容如下: cc_library_shared { ...
shared_libs: ["libandroidicu"], }, host: { shared_libs: [ "libicui18n", "libicuuc", ], export_shared_lib_headers: [ "libicui18n", "libicuuc", ], }, vendor: { exclude_shared_libs: ["libandroidicu"], }, product: { exclude_shared_libs: ["libandroidicu"...
cc_binary {name: "gzip",srcs: ["src/test/minigzip.c"],shared_libs: ["libz"],stl: "none",}常见的模块类型有:cc_library,cc_library_headers,cc_library_shared,cc_library_static,android_app,android_app_certificate,java_library,java_library_static,java_sdk_library等等。
Android.mk中LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES的作用 NDK中的说明是这样说明的: III. Exporting headers for prebuilt libraries: --- The example above was called 'naive' because, in practice, the code in foo-user.c is going to depend on specific declarations that are...
# Generate the QAPI headers and sources from qapi-schema.json # Ideally, this would be done in our Makefiles, but as far as I # understand, the platform build doesn't support a single tool # that generates several sources files, nor the standalone one....
Hi @drus-13, I tried that and ran into various include issues, is your environment set up in such a way to pull in additional include files from somewhere else (not in the repo you shared)? That's what it looks like to me. I tried to also copy all headers from the tensorflow sou...